Ghidra scripts in Java for disassembly.
The headless analyzer is used to automate the process of analysis, decompiled, disassembly, etc.
The arguments of the headless analyzer could be found in link
analyzeHeadless <project_location> <project_name>[/<folder_path>] | ghidra://<server>[:<port>]/<repository_name>[/<folder_path>]
[[-import [<directory>|<file>]+] | [-process [<project_file>]]]
[-preScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*]
[-postScript <ScriptName> [<arg>]*]
[-scriptPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"]
[-propertiesPath "<path1>[;<path2>...]"]
[-scriptlog <path to script log file>]
[-log <path to log file>]
[-processor <languageID>]
[-cspec <compilerSpecID>]
[-analysisTimeoutPerFile <timeout in seconds>]
[-keystore <KeystorePath>]
[-connect [<userID>]]
[-commit ["<comment>"]]
[-max-cpu <max cpu cores to use>]
[-loader <desired loader name>]
You can find the analyzerheadless in the in Linux in /opt/ghidra/support/analyzeHeadless
, usage
/opt/ghidra/support/analyzeHeadless ~/test-project disassemble -import /home/user/reverse/binaries -postScript ~/ghidra_scripts/