Decentralized Intelligent Contact Tracing of Animals and Objects (DICTAO) is a simple idea to track the COVID-19 pandemic infections.
DICTAO uses IoT, AI and Blockchain technologies to tackle the spread of infection by animals and objects.
This repository is a tutorial with instructions to build a simple contact tracing application using the DIApp design pattern. The tutorial is part of the Packt book: "Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Blockchain: Converging Blockchain and AI to build smart applications for new economies".
You can pre-order the book on Packt website, Amazon global website or Amazon India website.
Clone this repository in your local machine and follow appropriate instructions.
Install the following softwares on your system:
Sl. No. | Dependency | Download link |
1 | Just (v0.5.11 and above) | |
2 | Python (v 3 .6.9 and above ) | |
3 | Node. js ( 12 .18.2 LTS and above ) | |
4 | Brave browser (v 1.5.123 and above ) | |
5 | Jupyter Notebook | |
Apart from the above software, you will also need to # for the following services:
Ethereum wallet with a wallet address and private key
Address of the location proof smart contract (You can use
on Kovan)
Once you have the credentials for all the above 5 services, update your local justfile:
export GMAPS_API_KEY := "?"
export MOIBIT_API_KEY := "?"
export MOIBIT_API_SECRET := "?"
export WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID := "?"
export WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY := "?"
export WALLET_ADDRESS := "?"
python iot-client-code/python/
cd frontend-tracking-dashboard && node index.js
python backend-contact-tracing/
pip install --user -r requirements.txt
cd frontend-tracking-dashboard && npm install
If you have updated your Jusfile successfully, you need to run the following command to automatically install all the python and Javasript dependencies:
just install-dependencies
Make sure that you are running this command in the same directory where justfile
just run-client
just run-server
just run-web
If you are a beginner and need help with detailed instructions, you can refer to the detailed manual which includes screenshots for specific Operating Systems:
MacOS users (Coming soon)
Windows users (Coming soon)
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2020 Ganesh Prasad Kumble and DICTAO authors
The original source code of the dictao project is available here.
The original Jupyter Notebook of contact tracing model is available here.