wordcounter is a tool mainly for Chinese characters count in a file like Markdown, Plain Text, etc. I create it for my writing word count stats purpose.
you can use it as a command line tool:
$ wcg count ./testdata --total
| D:\Repos\wordcounter\testdata\foo.md | 1 | 12 | 1 | 13 |
| D:\Repos\wordcounter\testdata\test.md | 1 | 4 | 1 | 5 |
| Total | 2 | 16 | 2 | 18 |
or run it as a server(default host is localhost
and port is 8080
$ wcg server
│ WordCounter │
│ Fiber v2.47.0 │
│ │
│ (bound on host and port 8080) │
│ │
│ Handlers ............. 3 Processes ........... 1 │
│ Prefork ....... Disabled PID ............. 49653 │
$ curl -s \
--location 'localhost:8080/v1/wordcounter/count' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"content": "落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水共长天一色"
}' | jq
"data": {
"lines": 1,
"chinese_chars": 14,
"non_chinese_chars": 1,
"total_chars": 15
"error": "",
"msg": "ok"
- Generate statistics for content: About the number of lines, Chinese characters, non-Chinese characters, and total characters in the document content (with the option to include a total count).
- Support for single file: if you prefer not to install plugins or rely on specific writing applications, this feature should suit your needs.
- Support exporting tabular statistics: You can export the results to CSV or Excel. this feature is useful when you have more file or directory to count.
- Support multiple platforms: You can use this tool on Linux, macOS, and Windows as well.
- Support ignore mode: you can create a file named
which is similar to.gitignore
can record patterns of files or folders that should not be scanned for counting, or specific patterns can be specified directly in the command line. - Provide count API for automation: In server mode, you can combine your automation tools like Automator, Keyboard Maestro to count content of a file.
you can download the binary from release.
$ wcg --help
wordcounter is a simple tool that counts the chinese characters in a file
wcg [command]
Available Commands:
count Count for a file or directory
server Run wordcounter as a server, only support pure text content
-h, --help help for wcg
Use "wcg [command] --help" for more information about a command.
or clone the repository and just build from source
- If you try to build from source, please ensure your OS has installed Go 1.19 or later.
- If you are in China, highly recommend use goproxy to config your Go proxy firstly before installation and building.
git clone https://github.com/100gle/wordcounter
cd wordcounter
# config goproxy as you need.
# go env -w GO111MODULE=on
# go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
go mod tidy
# linux/macOS
go build -o wcg ./cmd/wordcounter/main.go
# windows
go build -o wcg.exe ./cmd/wordcounter/main.go
is a short ofwordcounter-go
go get -u github.com/100gle/wordcounter
there are two optional counters for you:
is a counter for single file.
package wordcounter
import (
wcg "github.com/100gle/wordcounter"
func main() {
counter := wcg.NewFileCounter("testdata/foo.md")
// will output ascii table in console
tbl := counter.ExportTable()
// there are other optional export methods for you
// counter.ExportCSV()
// counter.ExportCSV("counter.csv") // Export to specific file
// counter.ExportExcel("counter.xlsx")
is a counter based on FileCounter
for directory. It will recursively count the item if it is a directory. It supports to set some patterns like .gitignore
to exclude some directories or files.
package wordcounter
import (
wcg "github.com/100gle/wordcounter"
func main() {
ignores := []string{"*.png", "*.jpg", "**/*.js"}
counter := wcg.NewDirCounter("testdata", ignores...)
// will output ascii table in console
tbl := counter.ExportTable()
// there are other optional export methods for you
// counter.ExportCSV()
// counter.ExportCSV("counter.csv") // Export to specific file
// counter.ExportExcel("counter.xlsx")