The objective of this project is to have a backend set up using Mongoose for a social media application. We wanted to focus this to showcasing Mongoose capabilities and as well as expand our knowledge of other technologies. We wanted to have a place where all Users feel free to share there Thoughts with the world and share Reactions with other thinkers alike. A space for lively and thought provoking conversations.
- Install Mongo DB and Mongoose (Visit respecitve sites)
- Install Insomnia or some other application to view the API routes
- Dowload zip from this repo
- Unzip it in a preferred location on your PC
- Run npm install
- Run program with npm start
- Inside Insomnia, (or equivalent) create routes like in this video
- All routes start with /api
- Splits to /users or /thoughts
- GET and POST are root to the models
- GET/PUT/DELETE one ID are on the users/:usersId, likewise for thoughts
- Each User have can start friends list to follow their content under /api/users/:userId/friends/:friendId
- Likewise for thoughts and reactions /api/thoughts/:thoughtId/reactions
Contact me through the links below
- Github: 19dbo91
- Email: