Releases: 2202Programming/Eryx
Releases · 2202Programming/Eryx
Final Code Base for Pieper the Robot
We are done, yep It took a while and this code is not where we though it would be when we started but this is where we ended up. This is not a loss I look back on our code and a see a series of victories of Idea and concepts, but a failure in the amount of time that we had to go through and correct and optimize what we had made.
Final Code From Milwauke
sooo if you change this without mine and daniels permission Daniel might just kill you, just a warning I mean DAMMM DANIEL
Working As Of
Final Pre-Milwaukee Regional
Added some code to work on stabilizing the robot during autonomous
Final Pre-Milwaukee Regional
Added some more stuff to support generated autonomous including a function to convert distance to encoder counts and hopefully it works
Final Pre-Milwaukee Regional
v2.0 gvjvhk
Final Pre Reginal Release
Eryx 2016
Final outline before the 2016 KC Regional,
Working Features
- Driving
- Direction Reverse
- Intake Deploy
- Intake motor Toggle
- Intake Motor Direction Toggle
- Autonomous
- Vision
- Encoded Shooting
Control Scheme
- Left Trigger - Deploy Intake / Toggle Intake Motor
- Left Bumper - Target With Vision
- Right Trigger - Speed Up / Shoot Ball
- Right Bumper - Toggle Elevation
- Select - Toggle Intake Motor
- Start - Abort Vision
- X - Toggle Speed
- Y - Toggle Direction
- A - Toggle Intake Direction
- B - Abort Shoot
Kansas City - The Night Before
Merge pull request #40 from 2202Programming/dev Dev