Ddt - Distribution Development Tool
$ ddt --license-name=LGPL new Foo::Bar # create Foo-Bar distribution
$ cd Foo-Bar
$ ddt build # build the distribution and re-generate
# README.md & META6.json
$ ddt -C test # Run tests when files change
Ddt is an authoring and distribution development tool for Raku. It provides scaffolding for generating new distributions, packages, modules, grammers, classes and roles.
This project is a technology preview. It may change at any point. The only API which can be considered stable up to the v1.0
is the command line interface.
ddt [--license-name=«NAME»] new <module> -- Create new module
ddt build -- Build the distribution and
update README.md
ddt [-C|--continues] test [<tests> …] -- Run distribution tests
ddt release -- Make release
ddt hack <identity> [<dir>] -- Checkout a Distribution and
start hacking on it
ddt generate class <name> -- Generate a class
ddt generate role <name> -- Generate a role
ddt generate package <name> -- Generate a package
ddt generate grammar <name> -- Generate a grammar
ddt generate module <name> -- Generate a module
ddt generate test <name> [<description>] -- Generate stub test file
ddt [-v] deps distri -- Show all the modules used
ddt [-u|--update] deps -- Update META6.json dependencies
ddt watch [<cmd>…] -- Watch lib/, bin/ & t/ for
changes respecting .gitignore
and execute given cmd
# with zef
> zef install Ddt
Support for different licenses via
META6 is generated using
Meta test
Use prove for tests
Run tests on changes
Extended .gitignore
Support for different licenses
Support for Distributions with a hyphen in the name
- How can I manage depends, build-depends, test-depends?
Use ddt -u deps
- Where is the spec of META6.json?
The documentation site describes the current practices pretty well at https://docs.raku.org/language/modules#Distributing_modules. The original design document of META6.json is available at http://design.perl6.org/S22.html.
Gadimov bahtiar@gadimov.de -
Shoichi Kaji skaji@cpan.org
Copyright © 2015 Shoichi Kaji
Copyright © 2016-2017 Bahtiar
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.