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Iridium (former YouTube Plus) is an extension built to improve the user experience on the new YouTube Material layout.
Current bug support is being provided only for:
Current development is in beta stage and can be found in the respective fork:
The initial phase will be focused on the userscript version only and bugs are expected to occur.
Each item on the lists below can be removed or moved to the a different version at any time
- Core: minimally working alpha version
- Core: create settings menu on its own local page
- Core: save and load user settings
- Core: import and export user settings
- Core: reset user settings
- Core: implement locales
- Feature: autoplay control
- Feature: disable ads on videos
- Feature: toggle HFR (60fps) streams
- Feature: change volume using the mouse wheel
- Feature: default quality
- Feature: thumbnail video preview
- Feature: show the total number of uploaded videos by the video author
- Feature: show the relative uploaded time of the video being watched
- Feature: global video shortcuts
- Feature: disable video annotations
- Feature: mini player when scrolling down
- Feature: mini player when navigating to different pages
- Feature: default channel tab
- Feature: youtube logo redirects to subscription or trending
- Feature: blacklist videos from specific channels
- Core: create Firefox add-on
- Core: create Opera add-on?
- Core: create Chrome extension?
- Feature: control comment section visiblity
- Feature: ability to open the player in a pop-out window
- Feature: fullbrowser video mode
- Feature: reverse playlist
- Feature: advanced options / quick shortcuts below player