Zk prove that your FID (Farcaster ID) ≤ 20001 and cast on the @33bits feed without revealing your personal account. This project is built with the intention to provoke open dialogues and explore how the Farcaster community will use or abuse their privacy.
Cast: 33bits.xyz
When a user signs in with Warpcast, the 33bits app links their FID with a new signer. To post a cast, the user must prove that their FID is ≤ 20001 through zero-knowledge (zk) proofs. This proof is generated using the user’s new signer. The entire process, including authentication and proof generation, occurs in the user's browser, keeping their FID private. Once the proof is created, it's verified on the app's backend. If the proof is valid, the user's cast is sent through the API to the @33bits account and published on the feed anonymously. It is possible to reply to any cast from Warpcast and cast in channels.
- Architecture & top-level tech explained: #, merkle tree, zk, casting.
- ZK & Circuit: Current version uses Noir DSL.
Any feedback is welcome. Please, feel free to reach out to @fastfourier.eth and @kugusha.eth.
33bits.xyz is licensed under the MIT License.