An attempt to provide .NET Framework 4.0 Developer Pack (SDK) support for modern Visual Studio / MSBuild / etc.
Two modes! Pure batch-scripts! Portable and Flexible (changes can be easily undone) ! Free and Open !
Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Denis Kuzmin <> github/3F
netfx4sdk allows you to use easily a deprecated SDK for modern toolsets and IDEs such as VS2022+ / MSBuild 17+ / and other tools without installing any other outdated versions of Visual Studio.
Microsoft officially dropped support of the Developer Pack (SDK) for .NET Framework 4.0. Now it can only be a Runtime version:
Means you can't simply build anything along with pure VS2022 (e.g. VM image, clean VS2022 env)
MSB3644: The reference assemblies for .NETFramework,Version=v4.0 were not found. To resolve this, install the Developer Pack (SDK/Targeting Pack) for this framework version or retarget your application. You can (*no, you can't) download .NET Framework Developer Packs at
But netfx4sdk will try to eliminate this artificial limitation by a single command,
- Here's result using netfx4sdk 1.0 for the same clean VS2022 VM image above.
-mode sys
- Hack using assemblies for windows. Highly recommended because
- [++] All modules are under windows support.
- [+] It does not require internet connection (portable).
- [+] No decompression required (faster) compared to package mode.
- [-] This is behavior-based hack;
-mode package
will try to apply obsolete package to the environment.
- [-] Officially dropped support since VS2022.
- [-] Requires internet connection to receive ~30 MB via GetNuTool.
- [-] Requires decompression of received data to 178 MB before use.
- [+] Well known official behavior.
-mode {value}
* system - (Recommended) Hack using assemblies for windows.
* package - Apply obsolete remote package. Read [About modes] below.
* sys - Alias to `system`
* pkg - Alias to `package`
-force - Aggressive behavior when applying etc.
-rollback - Rollback applied modifications.
-global - To use the global toolset, like hMSBuild.
-pkg-version {arg} - Specific package version. Where {arg}:
* 1.0.3 ...
* latest - (keyword) To use latest version;
-debug - To show debug information.
-version - Display version of netfx4sdk.cmd.
-help - Display this help. Aliases: -help -h -?
netfx4sdk -mode sys
netfx4sdk -rollback
netfx4sdk -debug -force -mode package
netfx4sdk -mode pkg -pkg-version 1.0.2
git clone src
cd src & build & bin\Release\raw\netfx4sdk -help
netfx4sdk releases are now accompanied by a .sha1 file in the official distribution; At the same time, commits from which releases are published are signed with the committer's verified signature (GPG).
Make sure you are using official, unmodified, safe versions.
Note: .sha1 file is a text list of published files with checksums in the format:
eead8f5c1fdff2abd4da7d799fbbe694d392c792 path\file
netfx4sdk is waiting for your awesome contributions!