Here you can find my projects to enhance my front-end skills with their live links. I will also add more information like what I learnt, what the difficulties I had and so on.
- I implemented my newly acruired grid knowledge with a friend in recoded bootcamp. It was hard to remember all grid properties xD
- Grid Layout
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- Drawing a decent circle for 76 of 100 was difficult.
- CSS Variables
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- BEM convention for class names
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- Font sizes and spacing between text had me have hard times :D I tried to make it as closer to the design as possible.
- I used scss in a project for the first time. It made project progress way much easier bc of nesting with & symbol.
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- I think that it wasn't hard much, good practice though.
- I hadn't written client-side form input validation by myself before.
- I learned that
exists xD - Live Link
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- I powered through not to repeat my code again and again, creating functions helped me a lot
- NaN and Infinite results drove me crazy just a bit hihihi
- Even though I don't like the grid system, I forced myself to use it for building percentage buttons and custom input so, I practiced grid template columns and rows :)
- toFixed method to add 2 decimals at the end of results.
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- I didn't know how to restore the point in order to show it in thanks page. I tried using exports and imports which didn't do the trick. It took some time to use localStorage xD
- Tried using imports and export
- Used localStorage to store the rating point
- used window.location to navigate to the thanks page
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- Curly background images of body were quite difficult to place them properly. However, I figured it out using before and after pseudo classes. That took time a bit but couldn't more benefitial :)
- I try to provide responsive text, and I messed up. Then I figured it out too, now I have good solution for responsive texts.
- I added cool animated buttons, and elemets like intro part.
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- Elapsed years :/
- Button position was kinda hard but I found a easy way to do it.
- Clamp for responsive text
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Blurry images that I newly tries is incompatible in Firefox browser, and I couldn't fix it :(
I used TypeScript and it kept throwing some weird errors which makes difficult production publish.
Arrows I used in carousel is incopatible in Firefox browser as well...
navbar hamburger menu
blurry effect when hover images to display album names
dark-mode which LOOKS AMAZING AND EYE SAVER ! using color-scheme and css variables
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Input field which contains search icon
Dropdown menu was kinda hard bc I've never done that one before.
Quite basic URL routing based on the words searched by user.
Dropdown Menu
Font family changes by user desire
Play button
Voice player
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- I rebuilt it using Angular 15 in order to add neat routing system
- It also stores the font family using localstorage like darkmode.
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