Takes a single character as input and returns an obfuscated representation of that character using randomized arithmetic or bitwise operations.
- Gets content of input
- Obfuscates content - replaces each character in the script with an obfuscated equivalent ([char])
- Wraps obfuscated content
& ([char]((5591 - 1917 - 703 - 2866))+[char](((-76 -Band 1357) + (-76 -Bor 1357) + 7835 - 9015))+[char](((11229 -Band 1042) + (11229 -Bor 1042) - 3467 - 8684)))($obfuscated)
- Repeats (iterations)
- Arithmetic Encoding
- MBA obfuscared iex command
- Bitwise Encoding
- Dynamic Execution
- Iterations
-> Input
-> Output
. \NV-Charfuscator.ps1;char -nvi".\Test.ps1" -nvo ".\Char.ps1" -iterations 1
Do not use the encoder to create malware, I take no responsibility for the abuse of this tool.