A colorful and vibrant neon theme for vim. No more dull colors.
Here is a screenshot.
Place the colors/neonnights.vim file in ~/.vim/colors/ If there is no colors folder. Just create it. It will work fine.
This theme also supports lightline. Just place the lightline/neonnights.vim in autoload/lightline/colorscheme folder.
And place this in .vimrc:
set termguicolors
colorscheme neonnights
if !has('gui_running')
set t_Co=256
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'neonnights',
\ }
If you want syntax highlighting just like mine in python. Use vim-python. Its tested with vundle and vim-python.
It is by default made to be transperant. If you dont want transperancy.
change this line in the colors/neonnights.vim
hi Normal guibg=NONE guifg=#2496FF gui=NONE cterm=NONE
to this:
hi Normal guibg=#170020 guifg=#2496FF gui=NONE cterm=NONE
All the colors in this theme use xterm-256color scheme. So there's that.
the lightline theme is a modified version of onehalfdark lightline theme