Instructions for users
The role of this site system is to signature APK .
Steps for usage
Click “register” to register information of the user.(information of the user can not be empty)
# after registration is complete.
“Select the APK to be signed” -> “Select the keystore to be signed” -> Click “PushApkAndKeystore”.
Enter “keystorePassword” and “AliasNameOfApk” ,Click “stratSignatureAPK”.
Click “DownloadSignatureAPK” ,Download APK to the local.
The administrator is the system maintainer who has permission to add the deleted data .
Environment building
Hardware requirements
There is a linux system for the server.
Software requirements
There is a xampp that PHP integrated development environment software under linux. (Download link :
Simple installation method
Please install as root.
sudo su
Enter the current user password
Release the downloaded zip file to opt.
tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.6.7.tar.gz -C /opt
Start up.
/opt/lampp/lampp start
You will see the following information:
Starting XAMPP 1.6.7...
LAMPP: Starting Apache...ok.
LAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.
LAMPP started.
Congratulations on your success.
5.If you want stop xampp .
/opt/lampp/lampp stop
6.If you want uninstall Xampp .
rm -rf /opt/lampp