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7GrandDadPGN edited this page Dec 21, 2024
1 revision
Indexing libraries can be done through the vape table
local library = vape.Libraries.LibraryName
The main gui library
print('cleaned up after vape uninjects')
Name | Returns | Description | Example |
Remove | None | Removes a specified object name (module -> legit module -> category -> overlay) | vape:Remove('SilentAim') |
UpdateTextGUI | None | Triggers an update to the TextGUI overlay | vape:UpdateTextGUI() |
UpdateGUI | None | Triggers an update to the GUI Colors with the specified hsv parameters | vape:UpdateGUI(0.44, 1, 1) |
Uninject | None | Turns off all modules and destroys the vape gui | vape:Uninject() |
Name | Type | Description |
Categories | table | A index value pair containing all vape categories vape.Categories.Combat
Keybind | KeyCode | The current keybind used to toggle the vape menu vape.Keybind
Loaded | boolean | A value dictating if the config has been loaded yet vape.Loaded
Libraries | table | A index value pair containing all vape libraries vape.Libraries.targetinfo
Modules | table | A index value pair containing all vape modules vape.Modules.SilentAim
Place | string | The prefix appended onto the config name vape.Place
RainbowTable | table | Looped table containing all color sliders with rainbow toggled vape.RainbowTable
ThreadFix | boolean | A boolean relating to if the exploit supports fixing thread permissions vape.ThreadFix
Version | string | The current gui version of vape vape.Version
Windows | table | A value pair with all related windows inside (autohotbar, legit menu) vape.Windows
A library used for displaying the current target to the user
local targetinfo = vape.Libraries.TargetInfo
targetinfo.Targets[entity] = tick() + 1
Name | Type | Description |
Targets | table | A index value pair containing all vaild targets from the entity library targetinfo.Targets
A library used for displaying information to the user
local sessioninfo = vape.Libraries.SessionInfo
local kills = sessioninfo:AddItem('Kills', 0, function(val) return val end, true)
Name | Returns | Description | Example |
AddItem | Item | Add's a item to the session info list (name, default value, display function, saving) |
sessioninfo:AddItem('Kills', 0, function(val) return val end, true) |
Item -> Increment | None | Increments the value either by the specified parameter or 1 | kills:Increment(5) |
Name | Type | Description |
Objects | table | Contained lines used in the session info sessioninfo.Objects
A library containing all rendering standards for drawing the interface
local uipallet = vape.Libraries.uipallet
print(uipallet.Main, uipallet.Text, uipallet.Font)
Name | Type | Description |
Main | Color3 | The main ui color used for all objects |
Text | Color3 | The main ui text color used for all objects |
Font | FontFace | The main font used for all objects |
A library for value shifting specific colors based on the ui pallet
(used for the darker parameter in components)
local color = vape.Libraries.color
print(color.Dark(, 1, 1), 0.2), color.Light(, 0.2))
Name | Returns | Description | Example |
Dark | Color3 | Decreases the value of the Color3 based on the uipallet | color.Dark(, 1, 1), 0.2) |
Light | Color3 | Decreases the value of the Color3 based on the uipallet | color.Light(, 0.2) |
A custom tweening library to handle objects not in workspace & two tweens at the same time
local tween = vape.Libraries.tween
local part ='Part')
tween:Tween(part,, {Size =, 3, 3)})
tween:Tween(part,, {Position =, 3, 3)}, tween.tweentwo)
tween:Cancel(part, tween.tweentwo)
Name | Returns | Description | Example |
Cancel | None | Cancel's a created tween (second parameter is a table containing the tween) |
tween:Cancel(part) |
Tween | None | Create & Play's a roblox tween (fifth parameter is a table containing the tween) |
tween:Tween(part,, {Size =, 3, 3)}) |
Library dedicated to handling player characters & improving performance on loops.
local ent = entitylib.EntityMouse({
Part = 'RootPart',
Range = 100,
Players = true,
NPCs = false,
Wallcheck = false,
Sort = function(a, b) return a.Magnitude < b.Magnitude end
print(ent, 'entity near mouse')
for _, ent in entitylib.List do
if ent.Targetable then
print(ent.Player, 'targetable entity player in list', ent. Targetable, ent.Character, ent.RootPart, ent.Head, ent.HipHeight)
if entitylib.isAlive then
print(entitylib.character.RootPart, 'local root from entity')
Name | Returns | Description | Example |
addEntity | None | Adding a custom entity to the entity table | entitylib.addEntity(workspace.NPC, nil) |
removeEntity | None | Removing a entity targeted based on player / character (this is handled automatically) | entitylib.removeEntity(workspace.NPC) |
refreshEntity | None | adds and removes a entity to refresh properties | entitylib.refreshEntity(workspace.NPC) |
addPlayer | None | Adding a player entity | entitylib.addPlayer(plr) |
removePlayer | None | Removing a player entity | entitylib.removePlayer(plr) |
targetCheck | boolean | Checking if the entity is on a seperate team | entitylib.targetCheck(ent) |
isVulnerable | boolean | Checking if the entity has no forcefield and is not dead | entitylib.isVulnerable(ent) |
getEntity | Entity | Entity based off the specified parameter (entity character / player) | entitylib.getEntity(plr) |
getEntityColor | Color3 | Color3 based on the TeamColor | text.TextColor3 = entitylib.getEntityColor(ent) |
getUpdateConnections | table | table containing connections used to fire EntityUpdated | |
Wallcheck | RaycastResult | RaycastResult dictating if an object is in the way of any targetable entities | |
EntityMouse | Entity | Entity from the table based on distance to the cursor | entitylib.EntityMouse({Part = 'RootPart', Range = 100, Players = true}) |
EntityPosition | Entity | Entity from the table based on distance to the localplayer | entitylib.EntityMouse({Part = 'RootPart', Range = 100, Players = true}) |
AllPosition | table | Table containing entities based on distance to the localplayer | entitylib.EntityMouse({Part = 'RootPart', Range = 100, Players = true}) |
start | None | Restarts the entity library | entitylib.start() |
stop | None | Stops the entity library | entitylib.stop() |
kill | None | Cleans up entity library | entitylib.kill() |
Name | Type | Description |
isAlive | boolean | Boolean dictating if the local entity is alive |
Running | boolean | Boolean for checking if the entity library is currently running |
character | Entity | The local entity object |
List | table | A table containing all entities excluding local entity |
Connections | table | All connections handled by the entity library (playeradded / removing) |
PlayerConnections | table | Connections for each player (team changed, character added / removing) |
EntityThreads | table | Threads on entities waiting to be added (waitforchild) |
Events | table | Events that are called based on certain actions (LocalAdded, LocalRemoved, EntityAdded, EntityUpdated, EntityRemoved) |
Name | Type | Description |
Connections | table | Connections for if the entity health is changed (grabbed using entitylib.getUpdateConnections) |
Character | Instance | The current character model |
Health | number | The current entity health |
Head | Instance | The current entity head part |
Humanoid | Instance | THe current entity humanoid |
HumanoidRootPart | Instance | The current entity root part |
HipHeight | number | A number starting from root part deducing the entities height |
MaxHealth | number | The current entity max health |
NPC | boolean | Checking if the entity is a non player |
Player | Instance | Entities player object if it does exist |
RootPart | Instance | Alias for HumanoidRootPart |
TeamCheck | function | A function used for checking the entities team if specified |
Custom function to get the size of FontFace, replacement for textService:GetTextSize
local getfontsize = vape.Libraries.getfontsize
print(getfontsize('Hello world!', 16, Font.fromEnum(Enum.Font.Arial)))