Pokedex is a React project built to learn TypeScript basics and explore key React concepts. Users can search for Pokémon and view detailed information.
Functional Components: The app is built using functional components, which are now the standard in modern React development.
: For managing component state, such as storing Pokémon data and managing loading states. -
: To fetch data from the Pokémon API when the component mounts, demonstrating the concept of side effects in React.
API Integration:
- Fetch API: Used inside useEffect to get data from the Pokémon API, showcasing how to handle asynchronous data fetching in React.
Conditional Rendering: The app conditionally renders components based on the loading state and available data.
Props Handling: Data is passed down to child components using props, promoting reusable components and separation of concerns.
Dynamic Rendering: The list of Pokémon is rendered dynamically using the
method, a key concept for rendering lists in React.
For UI Colors: ColorHunt
Font used: Press Start 2P