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Abhishek Bhattacherjee edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome the Wiki for CS Books. With the advent of digital learning and MOOCs and what not, a great resource is oft overlooked: 📚. Even when you find one, you might not know whether or not it's worth your time. So welcome to a repository that aims to fix just that! Feedback is highly welcome as this project is still in a very early stage. Kindly refer to the contributing guidlines for more info.


This repository aims to (over time):

  • Create a comprehensive list of textbooks to refer to without having to rummage through endless web pages.
  • List the courses around the world where said book is used as a primary/supplementary guide.
  • Include links to other relevant material to provide the reader with sufficient depth, or at least point them in the right direction.
  • Include feedback from readers and the community on the book so that suggestions to readers can improve over time.
  • Help people acquire knowledge in the vast field that is Computer Science and Engineering.
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