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- Android 11 and above
- 40Mb of Free Space :)
AssignMate is an assignment tracking app that allows students who miss classes to quickly access assignment details. It also provides an internal calculator to calculate internals of a particular subject. Students can login directly with their email and password, and view the data. Once logged in, the students are not required to re-login, and just reopen the app again to view their data!
- Students can quickly access their assignment details even if they miss a class.
- The entire backend of AssignMate is built using Firebase.
- FireStore is used as Database for storing Assignment Details, Class Rep Details and Student Details.
AssignMate will thrive with future releases for sure. New features planned for implementation include:
- Downloading of Assignments and Resources.
- Results Viewing and Academic Performance Tracker.
If you encounter any issues while using AssignMate, such as bugs or calculation errors, feel free to create an issue.
Of course anyone can contribute to this, just do the below:
- Fork the Project
- Implement what you're planning
- Create a Pull Request I'll surely merge after looking through it!
"If you like AssignMate, please star the repository! Your support keeps the project growing!