A Vulkan based 3D library that acts as a wrapper for the most verbose Vulkan parts that I implemented to learn the API.
- Global Illumination
- Classic Direct Illumination + Ambient
It consists of two parts:
The library itself, a place where you can find a lot of abstracted functionality.
An examples directory that links against the library where you can find useful examples.
The main feautures of the library are:
- Forward and Deferred pipelines support.
- PBR, Phong and other types of materials abstractions.
- Raytracing Support (Shadows, AO).
- Global Illumination with Voxel Cone Tracing.
- On the fly shader compiling.
- Diffuse and Specular IBL.
- Physically Based Bloom.
- Physically Based Sky.
- Ray Marched SSR.
- Scene and scene objects abstractions.
- Texture loading with mipmapping.
- Multipass (depth pass for shadows, SSAO and post-processing).
- Dynamic renderer states for some graphic features.
- Vulkan object and functionality abstraction.
- Simple to use user interface.
- Easy to distribute source code.
This project is a work in progress. It has a long way until becoming a decent library, there are no fancy features for now, but all the basics are here. Eventually, with time, I will be adding more advanced functionality.
The prequisites for using this code are:
- Windows 10, 11 (Although it should be easy enough to set it up for Linux).
- Vulkan SDK 1.3.* installed. (With VMA and Shaderc libraries)
- CMake installed.
- Clone the repo:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/AEspinosaDev/Vulkan-Engine.git cd Vulkan-Engine
- Build with CMake:
mkdir build cd build cmake ..
The project is configured in such a way that, during the build process, CMake takes care of automatically locating and linking all dependencies on the system, with exception of the Vulkan SDK, due to its more complex installation. This has been done to facilitate an easy and lightweight distribution of the source code, sparing the user the effort of manual configuration. Although the project has been implemented in Visual Studio Code, a practical file structure has been configured for CMake in case it is opened in Visual Studio.
Once the project is opened in the IDE of choice, compile it in the desired mode, and it would be ready to run. The CMake configuration is set for a 64-bit architecture, but it can be changed. CMake also takes care of automatically configuring the paths for resource files.
The project compiles dependencies, the 3D library, and the example applications directory, which statically links against the 3D library. The library is a STATIC lib, do not try to link dynamically against it.
- Building of the demos directory is optional, and can be turned off in CMake:
cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF /path/to/source
- Alternatively, you can click on the build.bat file to automatically build (in release mode) the entire project.
Integration of Vulkan-Engine into your own personal project is quite easy. If working with CMake, Vulkan-Engine should be inserted inside the dependencies folder of your project root directory.
On your main project CMakeLists.txt, write:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
project(JohnDoe VERSION 1.0.0)
# Use C++17 (Otherwise it won't work)
#check SDK
find_package(Vulkan REQUIRED)
get_filename_component(VULKAN_SDK_ROOT ${Vulkan_LIBRARY} DIRECTORY)
# Add Vulkan-Engine subdirectory ! Set if you want to build the examples directory ...
# Important step, link vulkan sdf directories to project root
#Setup project own source code (User-Defined)
file(GLOB APP_SOURCES "src/*.cpp")
file(GLOB APP_HEADERS "include/*.h")
add_executable(JohnDoe ${APP_SOURCES} ${APP_HEADERS})
target_include_directories(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/)
# Link project against VulkanEngine
target_link_libraries(JohnDoe PRIVATE VulkanEngine)
Your project structure should be somewhat like this one:
βββ resources/
β βββ shaders
β βββ textures
β βββ meshes
βββ dependencies/
β βββ Vulkan-Engine
β βββ another-dependency
βββ src/
β βββ main.cpp
β βββ compilation_file1.cpp
βββ include/
β βββ header1.h
β βββ header2.h
βββ CMakeLists.txt
You can load scenes by making use of the SceneLoader specified in the Tools module:
<Resources path="C:/Dev/Vulkan-Engine/examples/resources/" />
<!-- CAMERA -->
<Camera type="perspective" fov="70" near="0.1" far="50">
<translate x="0.0" y="4.0" z="-5.2" />
<!-- MESHES -->
<Mesh type="file" name="Droid">
<Filename value="meshes/droid.obj" />
<scale x="0.5" y="0.5" z="0.5" />
<translate x="0" y="0" z="0" />
<rotate x="0" y="0" z="0" />
<!-- MATERIALS -->
<Material type="physical">
<albedo r="0" g="0" b="0" />
<roughness value="0.5" />
<metallic value="0.5" />
<emission r="30" g="30" b="30" />
<albedo path="textures/DROID_Body_BaseColor.jpg" />
<normals path="textures/DROID_Body_Normal.jpg" />
<emission path="textures/DROID_Body_Emissive.jpg" />
<Mesh type="plane" name="Floor">
<scale x="5.0" y="5.0" z="5.0" />
<translate x="0" y="0" z="0" />
<rotate x="-90" y="0" z="0" />
<!-- LIGHTS -->
<Light type="point" name="Light">
<translate x="5.0" y="5.0" z="5.0" />
<intensity value="2.0" />
<color r="1" g="1" b="1" />
<influence value="30.0" />
<Shadow type="rt">
<samples value="4" />
<area value="0.5" />
<Enviroment type="skybox">
<Filename value="textures/cloudy.hdr" />
<intensity value="0.5" />
<!-- FOG -->
<Fog intensity="30.0">
<color r="1" g="1" b="1" />
Here is a simple snippet for creating a basic scene:
#include <engine/core.h>
#include <engine/systems.h>
#include <engine/tools/loaders.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
float delta;
float last{0};
// Setup a window
Core::IWindow *window = new Core::WindowGLFW("Kabuto", 800, 600);
// Create the renderer, you can play with the settings here
Systems::RendererSettings settings{};
settings.samplesMSAA = MSAASamples::x1;
settings.clearColor = Vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
Systems::BaseRenderer *renderer = new Systems::ForwardRenderer(window, settings, {});
// Create a camera
Core::Camera *camera = new Core::Camera();
camera->set_position(Vec3(0.0f, 0.15f, -1.0f));
// Create a scene and fill it with a light and a model
Core::Scene *scene = new Core::Scene(camera);
Core::PointLight *light = new Core::PointLight();
light->set_position({-3.0f, -3.0f, -1.0f});
Core::Mesh *model = new Core::Mesh();
Tools::Loaders::load_3D_file(model, ENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH "meshes/cube.obj");
model->set_rotation({45.0f, 45.0f, 0.0f});
Core::PhysicallyBasedMaterial *material = new Core::PhysicallyBasedMaterial();
// Rendering loop by quering the window obj
while (!window->get_window_should_close())
// Call this function conviniently shut down the renderer
// By doing this, the renderer will clean all memory used by its resources
catch (const std::exception &e)
std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
The code provided generates this output:

With a little extra effort, you can create much richer and interactive applications:
As you can see, the library is easy to use: with a window, a camera, a scene filled with some meshes and of course a renderer, you have everything you need to start working.