- 🌱 I’m currently learning DevOps and Go.
- 💻 I work on flutter, react, python and nodejs projects.
- 🔗 I also tinker around Blockchain.
- Cherava - An open source, zero-code web scraping automation tool. Prize winner at Foss Hack 3.0
- KTU Notifier - An NLP based Telegram Bot that pushes KTU Announcements Notifications.
- SUSya - AI powered plant disease detection and assistance application. Prize winner at Impulse IEEE Hackathon.
- moniTOR - A dark web crawler and search engine which collects and stores links from various corners of the dark web for easier access and monitoring
- unHODL - NFT based GHO Token loan/stake platform, built at EthGlobal LFGHO.
- Project Mudrika - Web3 based disaster management platform proposal for the NDMA, SDMA and DDMA of India.
- SuperToken Deployer - A user friendly website which can be used to create custom super tokens and deploy them without having to write contracts.
- CampusVote - Blockchain based Voting Platform for Transparent Campus Elections.
Ethereum - 0x6d60F08347deDEcbC6661C252c6Ad73b65808a49