I'm a software engineer who is passionate about human-centered design. While being an autonomous engineer, I enjoy collaborating with teams to design products that enhance the lives of others.
To develop my skillset, I attended Hack Reactor and developed full-stack services in full deployment. It helped me land my first engineering job at EliCommerce. When designing a front-end project, I consider the diversity of users who will use it. When approaching the backend, I focus on creating efficient systems that translate to responsive front-end environments.
In my free time, I enjoy practicing Sambo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and spending time in nature with my dogs!
Front-end: JavaScript (ES6+) | React | HTML5 | CSS3 | Babel | Webpack | Git | Redux | SASS
Back-end: NodeJs | Express | MongoDB | MySQL | PostgreSQL | Apache Cassandra | AWS Lambda
Deployment/Testing: Docker | AWS | Enzyme/Jest | Mocha/Chai
Here is my GitHub if you'd like to see more: