At HelpingHands, a platform dedicated to helping individuals in need find employment opportunities nearby. Whether you are looking for full-time, part-time, or temporary work, we are here to assist you in your job search journey. Our mission is to empower the community by bridging the gap between job seekers and employers.
Live Website can be found here.
[Click here]( to get a brief idea of what Helping Hands is .
The goal of our project is to help individuals in need find employment opportunities nearby. Whether you are looking for full-time, part-time, or temporary work, we are here to assist you in your job search journey.
- Easy access to employment opportunities
- Wide range of job categories
- Connect with local employers
- User-friendly interface and responsive
- Real-time job updates
- Secure and confidential job search
- Opportunity to build professional network
- Helpful resources and guidance for job seekers
The challenges faced by underprivileged groups such as electricians, plumbers, and other semi-skilled workers are significant and multifaceted. High unemployment rates, limited access to quality job opportunities, and inadequate educational resources perpetuate economic inequality and poverty within these communities. This is the pressing challenge that Helping Hands aims to address head-on.. By providing a space for employers to list jobs, and for professionals to showcase their skills, we are fostering connections that can lead to meaningful employment. Our initiative directly addresses UN Sustainable Development Goals 1 (No Poverty) and 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), contributing to a more equitable and prosperous world.
Please have node js and npm installed to open this project , from here
1.Fork the repo
2.Create your own clone of this repo.
3.Run npm i to install all the dependencies.
4.Create a config.env file with all these data :
5.Since the webiste is already hosted it has all the API calls set to the frontend or backend urls as needed , to run it on local machine please change the frontend url to your localhost URL and the backend url to your backend URL.
6.Navigate to backend folder and run npm run dev on your terminal.
7.Navigate to frontend folder and run npm run dev on your terminal. (make sure both the frontend and backend terminals are running)
8.Your own local copy of helping hands is ready !