A Hotel Reservation System designed in Java to streamline the process of room reservations in a hotel. The system allows users to reserve rooms, view current reservations, update bookings, and delete reservations through a console-based interface. The project integrates a MySQL database for storing and managing reservation data, utilizing JDBC for database connectivity.
- Reserve a Room: Users can book a room by providing guest details, room number, and contact information.
- View Reservations: Display all existing reservations with details like reservation ID, guest name, room number, and reservation date.
- Get Room Number: Retrieve the room number associated with a specific reservation by providing the reservation ID and guest name.
- Update Reservation: Modify existing reservation details, such as guest name, room number, and contact information.
- Delete Reservation: Remove a reservation from the system by providing the reservation ID.
- Exit: Gracefully exit the system.
- Java: Core programming language for building the system.
- JDK:: Java Development Kit (JDK 18 or later) to compile and run the program
- JDBC: Java Database Connectivity for interacting with the MySQL database.
- MySQL: Database for storing reservation details.
- IntelliJ IDEA: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding and debugging.
- Dotenv: Java Dependency for managing environment variables like database credentials.
git clone https://github.com/ANSHIKA010/hotel_reservation_system.git
- Ensure that MySQL is installed and running on your machine.
- Create a database and the necessary tables for storing reservations using the mysql dump file present in database folder.
- Use the .env.example file to configure the database connection details.
- Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA or any Java IDE.
- Use JDK(18 or later) to compile and run the program.
- Ensure the required MySQL JDBC driver is added to the project dependencies.
- Run the Main class to start the system.
Once the system starts, a menu will be displayed with options:
1. Reserve a room
2. View Reservations
3. Get Room Number
4. Update Reservation
5. Delete Reservation
0. Exit
Select the desired option by entering the corresponding number and follow the prompts.
- Enter 1
- Enter guest details (name room_number contact_number).
The system will confirm if the reservation is successful.
- Enter 2
Displays a list of all active reservations with their details in a table format.
- Enter 3
- Enter room_number
Get the guest details of the entered room number.
- Enter 4
- Enter reservation details (ReservationId guest_name room_number contact_number)
Modify the guest name, room number, or contact number for an existing reservation.
- Enter 5
- Enter reservation_id
Permanently delete a reservation by providing the reservation ID.
- Enter 0
To exit the system.
| .env # Environment file for sensitive information.
| .env.example # Environment file example.
| .gitIgnore
| hotel_reservation_system.iml
| hotel_db_reservation.sql # MySQL database dump file to initialize the DB.
+---lib # Contains the libraries used for the project.
| dotenv-java-3.0.2.jar
| mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar
| protobuf-java-3.11.4.jar
| \---production
| \---hotel_reservation_system
| Main.class
Main.java # Entry point of the application
- Add a graphical user interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience.
- Implement user authentication for better security.
- Allow dynamic # and availability checks for rooms.