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The Hotel Reservation System is a console-based application developed in Java that allows users to manage room bookings efficiently. With functionality to reserve, view, update, and delete reservations, it streamlines the hotel management process.

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Hotel Reservation System

A Hotel Reservation System designed in Java to streamline the process of room reservations in a hotel. The system allows users to reserve rooms, view current reservations, update bookings, and delete reservations through a console-based interface. The project integrates a MySQL database for storing and managing reservation data, utilizing JDBC for database connectivity.


  • Reserve a Room: Users can book a room by providing guest details, room number, and contact information.
  • View Reservations: Display all existing reservations with details like reservation ID, guest name, room number, and reservation date.
  • Get Room Number: Retrieve the room number associated with a specific reservation by providing the reservation ID and guest name.
  • Update Reservation: Modify existing reservation details, such as guest name, room number, and contact information.
  • Delete Reservation: Remove a reservation from the system by providing the reservation ID.
  • Exit: Gracefully exit the system.

Technologies Used

  • Java: Core programming language for building the system.
  • JDK:: Java Development Kit (JDK 18 or later) to compile and run the program
  • JDBC: Java Database Connectivity for interacting with the MySQL database.
  • MySQL: Database for storing reservation details.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for coding and debugging.
  • Dotenv: Java Dependency for managing environment variables like database credentials.

-- High Level Design --

High Level Design

-- Sequence Diagram --

Sequence Diagram

How to Set Up

1. Clone the repository:

  git clone

2. Database Setup:

  • Ensure that MySQL is installed and running on your machine.
  • Create a database and the necessary tables for storing reservations using the mysql dump file present in database folder.

3. Configure Environment Variables:

  • Use the .env.example file to configure the database connection details.

4. Run the Application:

  • Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA or any Java IDE.
  • Use JDK(18 or later) to compile and run the program.
  • Ensure the required MySQL JDBC driver is added to the project dependencies.
  • Run the Main class to start the system.

How to Use

Once the system starts, a menu will be displayed with options:

1. Reserve a room
2. View Reservations
3. Get Room Number
4. Update Reservation
5. Delete Reservation
0. Exit
Select the desired option by entering the corresponding number and follow the prompts.

Example Operations

1. Reserving a Room

  • Enter 1
  • Enter guest details (name room_number contact_number).

The system will confirm if the reservation is successful.

2. Viewing Reservations

  • Enter 2

Displays a list of all active reservations with their details in a table format.

3. Get Room Details

  • Enter 3
  • Enter room_number

Get the guest details of the entered room number.

4. Updating Reservation

  • Enter 4
  • Enter reservation details (ReservationId guest_name room_number contact_number)

Modify the guest name, room number, or contact number for an existing reservation.

5. Deleting a Reservation

  • Enter 5
  • Enter reservation_id

Permanently delete a reservation by providing the reservation ID.

6. Exiting the system

  • Enter 0

To exit the system.

-- User Flow --

User Flow

Project Structure

  |   .env                              # Environment file for sensitive information.
  |   .env.example                      # Environment file example.
  |   .gitIgnore
  |   hotel_reservation_system.iml        
  |       hotel_db_reservation.sql      # MySQL database dump file to initialize the DB.
  +---lib                               # Contains the libraries used for the project.
  |       dotenv-java-3.0.2.jar
  |       mysql-connector-java-8.0.28.jar
  |       protobuf-java-3.11.4.jar
  |   \---production
  |       \---hotel_reservation_system
  |               Main.class
                      # Entry point of the application

Future Improvements

  • Add a graphical user interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience.
  • Implement user authentication for better security.
  • Allow dynamic # and availability checks for rooms.


The Hotel Reservation System is a console-based application developed in Java that allows users to manage room bookings efficiently. With functionality to reserve, view, update, and delete reservations, it streamlines the hotel management process.





