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You might not find much useful information in this repo unless you are a terraform beginner and a big fan of terraform.

I created these Terraform templates here back a few years when I tried to learn this tool. However, due to the restrictions and disadvantages that I found during the learning process, I quit this tool a few months after I started picking it up.

The demerits which I had found were:

  1. Terraform state file could get corrupted easily back then (around 2016) in my environment;
  2. Terraform did not has the level of automation capability compared with major public cloud providers' own tool;
  3. Terraform did not allow me to integrate it into my CI/CD pipeline without challenged reengineering;
  4. I did not (and I still do not) see the beneficial of this tool to my life-long career;

The bullet points above are not my discouragement to your Terraform study if you are big fan of it. Those are just my personal experience and viewpoint, wether you agree or not, it is up to you. And it is for reference only.