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Assistant Mode

Taikelenn edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 2 revisions

Downloading student submissions

Assistant Mode currently includes downloading student submissions.

To enable it, find Assistant Mode from the A+ menu, and switch it on.

Photo: Enable Assistant Mode from the A+ Menu

Two new buttons will appear above the assignments tree, the person icon is for selecting a student, and the right-most icon is for downloading submissions.

Photo: Student submission buttons above assignments tree

Press the Select Student button to see the list of students. This list gets automatically updated every time you open IntelliJ, but if it's missing a student, you can manually refresh it.

You can search the students' names and student IDs by typing. After typing the student's name, press Enter on your keyboard or the OK button to select the student.

If you want to see your own submissions again, don't select a student in the list and press OK.

Photo: The word you're searching for in the students list gets highlighted and it shows the name and ID next to each other. There's three buttons at the bottom: Refresh, OK, Cancel

After selecting a student, the plugin refreshes the assignment tree, and you can see the student's submissions.

To download a submission, select a submission from the tree, and press the download button. You can see the ID of the submission in parenthesis in the tree. Students can give you the ID so you can find the submission easily. You can search for it like you searched for the student.

Photo: The download button gets enabled when a submission is selected, and has the tooltip "Download Submission"

A dialog opens up after pressing the button. It has a list, where you can select the module (it tries to find the right module, but uses the language defined in your project, so the module might be the wrong language for some exercises). You can also choose the name for the module that gets downloaded in the text field. The default name contains the submission ID and module name.

Photo: The download button gets enabled when a submission is selected, and has the tooltip "Download Submission"

When you press OK, it installs a new copy of the module and the submission files, and then it opens the submission files.

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