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An elegant React Native, Expo, Redux project boilerplate kit to get you started

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React Native Expo React Native Expo Kit - April 2021

Status React Native Expo React Redux V7 React Navigation V4 License

Light Theme Dark Theme

This project is a React Native boilerplate using Expo that you can use to save you a couple of days worth of setup, for previous Expo SDK support check out the branches on this repo :).

This boilerplate capitalizes on the use of Redux, React Navigation and it follows Expo's initial project structure that is resulted from invoking expo init to create your project, providing you with a great and optimized file structure, organized directories, a great way to maintain your actions/reducers, your assets, configs, API end points, built in theming and much more.


Features Build-In

  • Authentication Flow - Already setup flow of authentication
  • Theming - A build-in theming compatability enabling light and dark modes that utilies Redux and React Native Paper. You can change the coloring, set new theme properties in config/theme/Themes.js
  • API Endpoints - Use this file to make HTTP requests to your server and retrive data, you can get more information in config/Api.js
  • Permissions - Use this to access/add all Expo Permissions, you can get more information in config/Permisions.js

Structure Layout

            |--- package.json     <============================ Contains all your project settings, packages, etc.
            |--- app.json     <================================ Contains your application settings (i.e. Manifest, etc.)
            |--- App.js        <=============================== Root application component
            |--- assets/        <============================== All your assets go here
                    |--- fonts/     <========================== All your fonts go here
                            |--- SpaceMono-Regular.ttf      <== Example of a font file
                    |--- images/      <======================== All your images go here
                            |--- icon.png     <================ Example of an image file
            |--- config/      <================================ All your configuration files go here
                    |--- theme/     <========================== Contains Theme.js, Theme actions and reducer
                    |--- Api.js     <========================== Contains your HTTP functions for any server side calls
                    |--- Permissions.js      <================= Contains all Expo device permissions
            |--- navigation/      <============================ Contains your root naivgation files
                    |--- AppNavigator.js      <================ Contains the main application navigation scheme
                    |--- AppNavigator.web.js      <============ Contains the main web application navigation scheme
                    |--- AuthNavigator.js     <================ Contains the main stack of authentication screens
                    |--- MainNavigator.js     <================ Contains the main stack of the bottom tab navigation (can be changed to drawer, etc.)
                    |--- RootApplication.js     <============== Contains the root wrapper for AppNavigator, you can set any initial calls/functions here
            |--- redux/     <================================== All redux related files go here
                    |--- RootReducer.js     <================== Contains the combined reducers of all your reducers
                    |--- Store.js     <======================== Contains the Redux store scheme
            |--- screens/     <================================ All your application screens go here
                    |--- LoadingScreen.js           <========== Contains the main loading component and your application auth checking
                    |--- links/
                    |--- settings/
                    |--- auth/
                            |--- LoginScreen.js        <======= Contains the styling and component for your Login screen
                            |--- RegisterScreen.js          <== Contains the styling and component for your Register screen
                            |--- WelcomeScreen        <======== Contains the landing page for your application
                    |--- home/      <========================== Example of a screen directory
                            |--- HomeActions.js     <========== Contains all Home screen redux actions
                            |--- HomeReducer.js     <========== Contains Home screen reducer
                            |--- HomeScreen.js     <=========== Contains the Home screen react component and styling             


Getting Started

  1. Clone or download this repo:
    • Download by hitting that green clone or download green button on the top right corner
    • Clone by running this command on your chosen directory git clone your project name
  2. Remove .git folder, by running rm -rf .git
  3. Open package.json and change all the details as you need (author, repository, scripts, etc.)
  4. Open app.json and configure all your application needs, see these instructions
  5. Finally, install all dependencies by running npm install or yarn install depending on your favourite package manager

Project Status

Will be updating this with every major updates of related dependencies and Expo SDK releases, feel free to improve or contribute!


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Released under the MIT License

Authored and Maintained by Abdeen Mohamed


An elegant React Native, Expo, Redux project boilerplate kit to get you started






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