a command line client for shoppinglist
shoppinglist-cli requires python3 as well as the following python libraries
- requests
- python-Levenshtein
- rcfile
- uuid
To install shoppinglist-cli, run:
$ pip install .
Display the list:
$ shoppinglist
Display the list Brian:
$ shoppinglist --list Brian
Add spam to the list:
$ shoppinglist add spam
Change spam to eggs:
$ shoppinglist edit Spam eggs
Delete eggs:
$ shoppinglist del eggs
Delete the third item:
$ shoppinglist del 3
For further usage information, run:
$ shoppinglist [command] --help
For setting a default username, server and list, place a configuration file like config.example in ~/.shoppinglist-cli/config Alternatively, you can set them using the environment variables SHOP_USER, SHOP_SERVER and SHOP_LIST respectively.
Offline caching can be configured using the cachedir parameter in the configuration file. If the parameter is omitted, no data is cached