VE is a small wrapper for the black magic tool: Everything
Requires Python and a version of Vim compiled with Python support.
Requires Everything to be running in the background.
The plugin makes use of Vim's popup windows from Vim 8.2+.
Just clone the repository using your favorite vim plugging manager or the in-built one.
VE accepts the same regex syntax Everything accepts. For example: *.vim \vim\ would list all the .vim files under the \vim\ hierarchy.
Use the arrow keys to move and edit the text. Up/Down To jump to the front/end of the text. ~ will clear the search.
VE uses default hjkl vim navigation (or arrow keys) when moving through files.
Use j/k and to move up/down between the results.
Use h/l to jump result pages.
Use g/G to jump to the first/last element of the results.
VE doesn't bind to any keys by default, whenever you want to start VE just call VE()
For example:
nnoremap <C-p> :call VE()<CR>
Use Enter/Esc to move between the search bar and the results. Use Esc to close from the search bar. From the results: Enter: Open file/folder in current buffer. V: Open file/folder in a vertical split. S: Open file/folder in a horizontal split. T: Open file/folder in a new tab.
The default behavior for VE when opening folders is to open the path in netrw. This can be customized, see Options.
These options are customizable:
let g:ve_list_size = 20 "Changes the minimum number of elements to show in searches
let g:ve_resize = 1 "Toggles if the popup window should be resizeable with the mouse
let g:ve_keep_prev_search = 1 "Forces VE to keep the input text in between searchs
let g:ve_use_python3 = 1 "set g:ve_use_python3 = 0 to use python27
" VE(keep_prev_search = 1) "Searchs previous search if g:ve_keep_prev_search == 1
" VE_Path() "Searchs input text but keeps the input path if g:ve_keep_prev_search == 1
" VE_SearchInPath(path) "Opens VE in the specified path
" VE_Search(txt) "Searches specified text
" use PopupNotification to change BG color
" use PopupSelected to change cursor color
hi PopupSelected guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffa500
let g:ve_clear_c = '~' "Key used to clear input search
let g:ve_clear_name = '!'
let g:ve_clear_path = '@'
let g:ve_fixed_w = 128 "if set to any value, the window will have that size
let g:ve_explore = 'Explore ' "Default action when pressing Enter on a folder
let g:ve_vexplore = 'Vexplore ' "Default action when pressing V on a folder
let g:ve_hexplore = 'Hexplore ' "Default action when pressing S on a folder
let g:ve_texplore = 'Texplore ' "Default action when pressing T on a folder
let g:ve_edit = 'edit ' "Default action when pressing Enter on a file
let g:ve_vedit = 'vsplit ' "Default action when pressing V on a file
let g:ve_hedit = 'split ' "Default action when pressing S on a file
let g:ve_tedit = 'tabe ' "Default action when pressing T on a file