Beware of the person of one book. -- Thomas Aquinas
You can use your preferred dev environment (homestead/valet) or the included docker-compose.yml in the docker directory which will spin up nginx & mysql and forward their respective ports.
To bash into the container to run artisan/composer commands you can run this command: docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
Copy .env.example to .env then run composer install/artisan migrate
A programmer has been tasked with creating a reading list app with basic CRUD functionality (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using the Laravel framework. They are new to the Laravel framework and have made some mistakes in the process. Please review their code and point out any issues you see. You do not have to fix their code, just go into detail about what needs to be fixed. Some of the mistakes will be quite obvious, others will require a bit of digging.
An additional feature has been requested by the customer: they want to be able to tag books & authors. Please implement tags into the api. Users should be able to create/update/delete tags, along with tagging books and authors. Include tests if time permits.