The easiest way to monitor a CAN Network.
With Open Can Monitor you can view and send messages to all CAN Buses supported by the PCBUSB Library.
- Receive CAN Messagees
- Transmit CAN Messages on a timer
- Display CAN Message data in Hex, Decimal, and ASCII
- Connect to devices on any USB Bus
- Connect with all available CAN Baud Rates
- Set default bus and default baud rate for new connections.
To download you can use the Homebrew package manager, or download the .dmg
from the Latest Release
brew tap actuallytaylor/casks
brew install --cask open-can-monitor
- The PCBUSB library was created and maintained by UV Software, Berlin. This app packages the version 0.12.1 so the user does not have to go through an install process.
- MacCAN Monitor App was used for reference for how to use the PCBUSB library in a macOS app.