This is the vagrant setup and provisioning for a full fledged CKAN 2.7.3 or 2.8.0 setup on VirtualBox standard Ubuntu 16.xx LTS (Xenial) using recent software packages like PostgreSQL 10, PostGIS 2.4.4, SOLR 7.3.0 and many other goodies. The CKAN setup is finally deployed on an Apache2 using mod_wsgi.
This project is keept regurarly updated with recent CKAN version and related packages and tooling so that you can ramp-up quickly your dev environt without the hassle of resolving installation conflicts that tipically arise when playing with new stuff
With the CKAN setup are also bootstrapped and configured the following CKAN extensions and plugins:
- install Virtualbox
- install Vagrant
The setup has been tested with recent version of Vagrant (2.0.2 e 2.0.3) please ensure your Virtualbox version is a supported one by Vagrant. These include the recent 5.1 version but not yet the latest 5.2. In case you want use VirtualBox 5.2 with Vagrant you can add support for it following this hotfix
Clone this repo
$ git clone $ cd ckan-vagrant
Create the running VM
Configure in your Vagrantfile wich version to configure simply setting the or provisioning script and then launch the VM creation simply with the below:
$ vagrant up
In case your host environment doesn't have a network adapter named
the vagrant will ask you to choose one from those available. You can choose either Ethernet or WiFI devices
Virtualbox VM
Component Version details OS Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS based on Vagrant ubuntu/xenial64 box CPU Cores 2 CPU Cores RAM 2 Gb RAM -
Installed packages
Component Version Details CKAN CKAN 2.7.2 or 2.8.0 PostgreSQL PostgresSQL 10 - PostGIS 2.4.4 r16526 - PSQL SOLR Apache SOLR 7.3.0 Python 2 Python 2.7.12 Java OpenJDK 8 Apache HTTP2 Apache2 HTTPD 2.4.18 mod_wsgi mod_wsgi 4.3.0
SOLR require few configuration adaptations to work in conjunction with CKAN who still relay on old configuration parameters. The key deprecated configuration has been moved from the schema.xml file to a more fine grained configuration in the solrconfig. Further details are available inspecting the provisioning scripts
You may want configure email notification from your CKAN setup. In such case you can install an email server like postfix and then follow the instruction on the standard CKAN documentation
features Feel free to contact us or create a new issue on this repository. We'll do our best to try and help! If you want additional tools and packages are added and maintained updated here just add an issue for it !
Apache License Version 2.0. See LICENSE for more details
To make admin user:
cd ckan-vagrant
vagrant ssh
cd sciamlab-ckan/src/ckan
. /usr/lib/ckan/bin/activate
paster help
paster sysadmin add <user> -c /etc/ckan/production.ini
<your email>
<password — at least 8 characters>