The folder build was generated like this:
- Download proto3 file:
snap install protoc --classic
protoc --proto_path=. --php_out=build/gen ./gtfs-realtime.proto3
The idea is to generate GTFS-RT data from a feed that delivery realtime data in JSON with custom IDs.
See fixtures/realtime-day.json
. The feed also supplies to routes (see routes.json
This data needs to be mapped to our GTFS using mapping tables (t.b.d.).
- PHP8.1 is installed
- clone repo
composer install
- Point your webserver to public/index.php
- It will display some mocked GTFS-RT data which can be feed to OpenTripPlanner v2 with the following
"updaters": [
"type" : "stop-time-updater",
"frequencySec" : 10,
"backwardsDelayPropagationType" : "ALWAYS",
"url" : "http://gtfsrt.localhost/",
"feedId" : "1"