Stadium Booking system
I make an Application to book tickets for football matches. This application is used by the manager and employees. The manager has enough powers in that he can reserve his ticket or cancel the reservation. Also, the manager can add matches to the application and delete matches. You can also see the number of tickets reserved, information about the customer who reserved this seat and the worker who reserved this seat.
The employee has a number of powers in this application, such as reserving a seat ticket to the customer, and he can see the reserved seats, and he can also see the current matches.
The application is divided into several forms:
1: The initial form is a loading screen.
2: The second form is the login screen for the manager and employees.
3 :- The third form is the original application screen that contains several forms and is divided into four pages (home , tiket,matchs,manage(account)); manager has more access than employee .
4: The manager’s form consists of:
#Form Home :- which contains information that the next match is like the name of the first team, the name of the second team, the time of the match, and the date of the match.
#Ticket form: - which contains information about tickets available for matches and the number of customers who booked tickets.
#Form Matches: - which contains information about the upcoming matches, the dates of these matches, and the date of the matches.
#Manage form: This form is only available to the manager show available accounts on the system ,add and delete accounts.
# There is also a button in the main form for logging out of the page.
5: The main form for employees is divided into:
#Form Home :- which contains information that the next match is like the name of the first team, the name of the second team, the time of the match, and the date of the match.
#Ticket form: - which contains information about tickets available for matches and the number of customers who booked tickets.
#Form Matches: - which contains information about the upcoming matches, the dates of these matches, and the date of the matches.
# There is also a button in the main form for logging out of the page.
using FontAwesome.Sharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
“form loding”
1. The class has a private integer variable called "counter" initialized to 0.
2. The class constructor, "Form_Loding," is defined. It calls the "InitializeComponent" method, which is typically auto-generated in Windows Forms applications.
3. The method "timer_load_form_Tick" is an event handler for a timer control called "timer_load_form." This method is executed each time the timer ticks (based on the timer's interval). It handles the loading animation and transition to the login form.
- If the counter is less than 101, it updates the value of a control named "bunifuCircleProgress1" to reflect the current counter value. This control could be a circular progress bar or similar element.
- The counter is incremented.
- If the counter is between 101 and 104 (inclusive), it increments the counter and returns.
- If the counter exceeds 104, it disables the timer, hides the current form (Form_Loding), and creates a new instance of "Form_login" (presumably the login form). Finally, it displays the login form using the "ShowDialog" method, which shows the form as a modal dialog.
4. The method "timer_motion_Tick" is another event handler for a timer control called "timer_motion." This method is executed when the timer ticks, and it handles motion for a panel named "panel_picture."
- It moves the panel towards the left by 5 pixels (decreasing the X-coordinate) and keeps the Y-coordinate unchanged.
- If the new X-coordinate is greater than 12, it updates the panel's location with the new coordinates.
- If the new X-coordinate is not greater than 12, it disables the timer.
5. The "Form_Loding_Load" method is the event handler for the form's load event. Currently, it doesn't contain any code, so it doesn't perform any specific actions when the form is loaded.
Overall, this code combines two timer-based event handlers to create a loading animation and transition effect. The "timer_load_form" controls the progress of the loading animation and triggers the login form's display once the animation is completed. The "timer_motion" controls the motion of a panel on the form.
“ form login ”
1. The code belongs to the namespace `Stadium_Booking_Systerm`.
2. The `Form_login` class is defined and it inherits from the `Form` class provided by Windows Forms.
3. The class includes a static `Instance` variable of type `Form_login` and a public `username` variable of type string.
4. The constructor `Form_login()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()` and assigns the current instance to the `Instance` variable.
5. The `pictureBox3_Click` event handler is called when the user clicks on the associated picture box. It exits the application.
6. The `TexteBox_Enter` method is a helper method that is called when a text box gains focus. It clears the text box, changes the text color to light gray, and sets the tab stop property of the text boxes to true.
7. The `textpass_Enter` event handler is called when the password text box gains focus. If the text box contains the placeholder text "Password", it clears the error label, aligns the text to the left, and calls `TexteBox_Enter` method to handle the text box focus.
8. The `textname_Enter` event handler is called when the username text box gains focus. If the text box contains the placeholder text "UserName", it clears the error label and calls `TexteBox_Enter` method to handle the text box focus.
9. The `textname_Leave` event handler is called when the username text box loses focus. If the text box is empty, it sets the placeholder text "UserName" and changes the text color to IndianRed. It also displays an error message in the label indicating that a username is required.
10. The `textpass_Leave` event handler is called when the password text box loses focus. If the text box is empty, it sets the placeholder text "Password", aligns the text to the center, changes the text color to IndianRed, and displays an error message in the label indicating that a password is required. If the text box contains any other text, it hides the password characters by setting the `PasswordChar` property to '\0' (null character).
11. The `textpass_TextAlignChanged` event handler is called when the text alignment of the password text box is changed. If the text is aligned to the center, it sets the focus to the login button.
12. The `btnlogin_Click` event handler is called when the login button is clicked. It checks if both the username and password fields have been filled in. If they are not placeholder values, it creates an instance of the `Account` class, sets the username and password, and checks the login credentials using the `login_Check` method. If the login is successful, it stores the username in the `username` variable and checks if the account type is "Admin" or "Employee". If it is, it creates an instance of the `Form_Admin` form, sets the username, hides the current login form, displays the admin form, and closes the login form. Otherwise, it displays an error message in the label indicating that the username or password is incorrect.
13. The `show_pass_btn_Click` event handler is called when the show password button is clicked. It hides the show password button, shows the hide password button, and sets the `PasswordChar` property of the password text box to '*'.
14. The `Enter_Key` method is a helper method that is called when the user presses the Enter key. It checks if the pressed key is the Enter key and if so, it triggers the click event of the login button.
15. The `hide_pass_btn_Click` event handler
is called when the hide password button is clicked. It hides the hide password button, shows the show password button, and sets the `PasswordChar` property of the password text box to '\0' (null character) to display the password in clear text.
16. The remaining event handlers are related to the exit button. They handle the hover and click events of the exit button and exit the application when clicked.
“main form”
1. The code defines a class `Main_Form` that extends the `Form` class provided by Windows Forms.
2. The class includes a private integer variable `count_close_t` and a static `Instance` variable of type `Main_Form`. It also declares an instance of the `Account` class and a public `username` variable of type string.
3. The constructor `Main_Form()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()` and assigns the current instance to the `Instance` variable.
4. The `set_username` method is used to set the `username` property of the form.
5. The `btn_page_Click` method is a helper method that handles the click event for navigation buttons. It iterates over the controls in `Panel_slider` and updates the background color and mouse-over background color of the buttons accordingly.
6. The `iconButton2_Click` method is an event handler for a button click. It doesn't have any code inside.
7. The `iconButton5_MouseHover` event handler is called when the mouse hovers over `iconButton5` (presumably a button). It changes the icon color to a dark gray color.
8. The `iconButton5_MouseLeave` event handler is called when the mouse leaves `iconButton5`. It changes the icon color back to white.
9. The `btn_slider_Click` event handler is called when the slider button is clicked. It checks the width of `Panel_slider` and toggles its size between 113 and 323 by starting the corresponding timer and changing the icon character.
10. The `timer_slider_hide_Tick` event handler is called periodically when the hide timer is active. It reduces the width of `Panel_slider` until it reaches the minimum width of 113 pixels.
11. The `timer_slider_show_Tick` event handler is called periodically when the show timer is active. It increases the width of `Panel_slider` until it reaches the maximum width of 323 pixels.
12. The `btn_logout_Click` event handler is called when the logout button is clicked. It closes the current form and opens a new instance of `Form_login`.
13. The `btn_logout_MouseHover` event handler is called when the mouse hovers over the logout button. It changes the text and icon color to an Indian Red color.
14. The `btn_logout_MouseLeave` event handler is called when the mouse leaves the logout button. It changes the text and icon color back to white.
15. The `loadform` method replaces the content of `mainpanel` with the specified form. It removes the previous control, sets the new form as a top-level control, docks it to fill the parent container, and displays it. It also sets the username for specific forms (`Tickets` and `Match`) using their respective methods.
16. The `btn_home_Click` event handler is called when the home button is clicked. It calls the `btn_page_Click` method and loads the `Home` form.
17. The `Form_Admin_Load` event handler is called when the form is loaded. It triggers the `btn_home_Click` event, sets the current time in a label, retrieves employee information from the `Account` instance, sets the image in a picture box, sets the employee name in a button, and conditionally hides the `btnmanage` button based on the account type.
18. The `btn_ticket_Click` event handler is called when the ticket button is clicked. It calls the `btn_page_Click` method and loads the `Tickets` form.
19. The `btn_matche_Click` event handler is called when the match button is clicked. It calls the `btn_page_Click` method and loads
the `Match` form.
20. The `btnmanage_Click` event handler is called when the manage button is clicked. It calls the `btn_page_Click` method and loads the `Manage` form.
21. The `timer_mytime_Tick` event handler is called periodically and updates the label text with the current time.
22. The remaining event handlers handle the hover and click events of the exit button. They change the visibility and color of the exit button.
“ form home ”
1. The code defines a class `Home` that extends the `Form` class provided by Windows Forms.
2. The constructor `Home()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()`.
3. The `Home_Load` event handler is called when the form is loaded. Inside this method, an instance of the `Mange_Matche` class is created.
4. If the `get_next_match` method of the `Mange_Matche` instance returns `true`, it means there is a next match available. In this case, it sets the visibility of `panel_home_sorr` to `true` and proceeds to populate various controls with match information.
5. It loads images for the team logos from file paths stored in `m.Team1_pic_dis` and `m.Team2_pic_dis` and assigns them to `pictureBox3` and `pictureBox2`, respectively.
6. It sets the text of `label9` and `label2` to the names of the first and second teams, respectively, retrieved from `m.First_team_name` and `m.Second_team_name`.
7. It sets the text of `label7` to the match date and time, retrieved from `m.Match_date_time.ToString()`.
8. It sets the text of `label8` to the number of audience members, retrieved from `m.Number_of_audience.ToString()`.
9. If the `get_next_match` method returns `false`, indicating no next match, it hides `panel_home`.
“ form tikets ”
1. The code defines a class `Tickets` that extends the `Form` class provided by Windows Forms.
2. The class has a static field `Instance` of type `Tickets`, which can be used to access the instance of the `Tickets` form.
3. It declares an `Account` object and a `username` string variable.
4. The class has an integer variable `x`, used to store the ID of the selected ticket.
5. The constructor `Tickets()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()` and sets the `Instance` field to refer to the current instance of the form.
6. The `set_username` method sets the value of the `username` field.
7. The `Refresh_Data` method is responsible for populating the data grid view (`dataGridView1`) with ticket information. It first clears the grid view, creates a new instance of the `Ticket` class, retrieves ticket data from the database using the `view_All_ticket` method, and adds the data to the grid view's rows.
8. The `Clear_data_gride_view` method clears the data source of the data grid view and removes all rows.
9. The `Tickets_Load` event handler is called when the form is loaded. It calls `Refresh_Data` to populate the data grid view and retrieves employee information using the `set_UserName` and `get_Employee_info` methods of the `account` object.
10. The `dataGridView1_RowsAdded` event handler is called when rows are added to the data grid view. It adjusts the maximum value of the vertical scroll bar (`bunifuVScrollBar1`) and toggles its visibility based on the number of rows in the grid view.
11. The `bunifuVScrollBar1_Scroll` event handler is called when the vertical scroll bar is scrolled. It scrolls the data grid view to the corresponding row index.
12. The `iconButton1_Click` event handler is called when `iconButton1` is clicked. It opens the `Stad_seat_Book` form, sets the username, clears the data grid view, and refreshes the data afterward.
13. The `bunifuImageButton1_Click` event handler is called when `bunifuImageButton1` is clicked. It performs a search based on the ID entered in `bunifuTextBox1`. If the ID is valid, it retrieves the ticket data using the `search_by_id` method of the `Ticket` class and populates the data grid view accordingly. If no ID is entered, it calls `Refresh_Data` to display all tickets.
14. The `iconButton2_Click` event handler is called when `iconButton2` is clicked. If the user is not an employee, it retrieves the ID of the selected ticket (`x`) and deletes the corresponding ticket using the `Delete` method of the `Ticket` class. It then refreshes the data grid view and hides `iconButton2`.
15. The `bunifuTextBox1_Enter` event handler is called when `bunifuTextBox1` gains focus. It clears the error label.
16. The `dataGridView1_RowHeaderMouseClick` event handler is called when a row header in the data grid view is clicked. It clears the selection and hides `iconButton2`.
17. The `dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick` event handler is called when a cell in the data grid view is double-clicked. If the user is not an employee, it shows `iconButton2` and stores the ID of the selected ticket in `x`.
18. The `dataGridView1_CellMouseClick` event handler is called when a cell in the data grid view is clicked. It clears the selection and hides `iconButton2`.
“ stad seats Book ”
1. The class definition starts with the declaration of a `public partial class Stad_seat_Book : Form`. This means that the class `Stad_seat_Book` inherits from the `Form` class and is a partial class, indicating that its definition is split across multiple files.
2. Inside the class, several private fields and objects are declared, including:
- `Instance`: a static field of type `Stad_seat_Book`, used to store a reference to the current instance of the form.
- `account`: an instance of the `Account` class.
- `mange_Matche`: an instance of the `Mange_Matche` class.
- `ticket`: an instance of the `Ticket` class.
- `x`: a private string variable used for storing seat numbers.
- `num_of_seats`: an integer variable to keep track of the number of seats selected.
- `price`: an integer variable representing the price of a single ticket.
- `Ticket_price`: an integer variable to store the total price of the selected seats.
- `username`: a public string variable to store the username of the current user.
3. The constructor `Stad_seat_Book()` initializes the form and sets the `Instance` field to refer to the current instance of the form.
4. The `set_username(string username)` method is used to set the value of the `username` variable.
5. The `Stad_seat_Book_Load` event handler is executed when the form is loaded. It performs various initialization tasks such as setting the current time, retrieving employee information, retrieving the next match details, displaying team images, setting seat availability, etc.
6. The `mytime_Tick` event handler updates the label displaying the current time periodically.
7. The `iconButton2_Click` event handler is executed when a button named `iconButton2` is clicked. It simply closes the form.
8. The `iconButton1_Click` event handler is executed when a button named `iconButton1` is clicked. It performs validation checks on the name input and number of seats selected, creates a new `Ticket` object, sets its properties based on the input values, and inserts the ticket into the system. If the ticket is successfully inserted, the form is closed.
9. The `text_name_Enter` and `text_name_Leave` event handlers handle the focus events for a text box named `text_name`. They change the text color and clear error messages based on the focus state.
10. The `btn_exite_dark_Click` and `btn_exite_light_Click` event handlers handle the click events for buttons named `btn_exite_dark` and `btn_exite_light`, respectively. They close the form when clicked.
11. The `btn_exite_dark_MouseLeave` event handler is executed when the mouse leaves the `btn_exite_dark` button. It toggles the visibility of two buttons to provide a visual effect.
12. The `btn_exite_light_MouseHover` event handler is executed when the mouse hovers over the `btn_exite_light` button. It toggles the visibility of two buttons to provide a visual effect.
13. The `Enter_Key` method is a generic event handler that handles the KeyPress event for any control. If the Enter key is pressed, it triggers the `iconButton1_Click` event handler, effectively simulating a click on the submit button.
14. The `button_Click` event handler is executed when
any button on the form is clicked. It handles the selection and deselection of seats. It changes the color of the button based on its current state and updates the `x`, `num_of_seats`, and `Ticket_price` variables accordingly. It also updates the corresponding labels to display the updated seat count and total price.
“ matchs form ”
1. The class has a `public static Match Instance` field, which is used to store a reference to the current instance of the form.
2. The class contains an instance of the `Account` class, named `account`, and a private string variable named `UserName`.
3. The constructor `Match()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()` and sets the `Instance` field to refer to the current instance of the form.
4. The `set_user_name(string name)` method is used to set the value of the `UserName` variable.
5. The `Refresh_Data()` method clears the data in the DataGridView and retrieves ticket information from the database using the `Mange_Matche` class. It populates the DataGridView with the ticket details and updates the scrollbar accordingly.
6. The `Clear_data_gride_view()` method clears all the rows in the DataGridView.
7. The event handler `dataGridView1_RowsAdded` is executed when rows are added to the DataGridView. It adjusts the scrollbar's maximum value and visibility based on the number of rows.
8. The event handler `dataGridView1_RowsRemoved` is executed when rows are removed from the DataGridView. It adjusts the scrollbar's maximum value based on the updated number of rows.
9. The event handler `bunifuVScrollBar1_Scroll` is executed when the vertical scrollbar is scrolled. It scrolls the DataGridView to the corresponding row.
10. The event handler `Match_Load` is executed when the form is loaded. It initializes the `account` object, retrieves team information from the database, populates the team selection comboboxes, and sets the custom date format for the DateTimePicker. It also checks the user type and adjusts the visibility of form elements accordingly. Finally, it calls `Refresh_Data()` to populate the DataGridView with ticket information.
11. The event handler `iconButton1_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton1` is clicked. It retrieves the selected team names and match date from the comboboxes and DateTimePicker, creates a new `Mange_Matche` object, sets its properties, and inserts the match into the database. After that, it calls `Refresh_Data()` to update the DataGridView.
12. The event handler `iconButton2_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton2` is clicked. If the user is not an employee, it deletes the selected match from the database using the `Mange_Matche` class, clears the selection in the DataGridView, and calls `Refresh_Data()`.
13. The event handlers `dataGridView1_CellMouseClick`, `dataGridView1_CellContentDoubleClick`, and `dataGridView1_RowHeaderMouseClick` handle mouse click events on the DataGridView. They clear the selection and adjust the visibility of the delete button accordingly.
14. The event handler `dataGridView1_SelectionChanged` is executed when the selection in the DataGridView changes. If there are no selected cells, it hides the delete button.
15. The method `get_pictur` retrieves the image of a team based on its ID from the database and assigns it to a PictureBox control.
16. The event handlers `comboBox2_SelectedIndexChanged` and `comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged` are executed when the selected item changes in the corresponding comboboxes. They call the `get_pictur` method to update the team images based on the selected team's ID.
17. The event handler `bunifuImageButton1_Click` is executed when a button named `bunifuImageButton1` is clicked. It performs a search based on the entered ID number. If a valid
integer is entered, it clears the DataGridView, retrieves the matching ticket information from the database using the `Mange_Matche` class, and populates the DataGridView with the search results. If no ID is entered, it calls `Refresh_Data()` to show all tickets.
18. The event handler `bunifuTextBox1_Enter` is executed when the text box named `bunifuTextBox1` gains focus. It clears the error label.
“manage account (access by admin)”
1. The class has a private string variable named `x`.
2. The constructor `Mange()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()`.
3. The `Refresh_Data()` method clears the data in the DataGridView, retrieves account information from the database using the `Account` class, and populates the DataGridView with the account details. It also clears the selection in the DataGridView and hides the pictureBox1.
4. The `Clear_data_gride_view()` method clears all the rows in the DataGridView and adds empty rows.
5. The event handler `dataGridView1_RowsAdded` is executed when rows are added to the DataGridView. It adjusts the maximum value and visibility of the bunifuVScrollBar based on the number of rows.
6. The event handler `bunifuVScrollBar1_Scroll` is executed when the vertical scrollbar is scrolled. It scrolls the DataGridView to the corresponding row.
7. The event handler `Mange_Load` is executed when the form is loaded. It calls `Refresh_Data()` to populate the DataGridView with account information.
8. The event handler `dataGridView1_SelectionChanged` is executed when the selection in the DataGridView changes. If there are no selected cells, it hides the iconButton2.
9. The event handlers `dataGridView1_RowHeaderMouseClick` and `dataGridView1_CellMouseClick` handle mouse click events on the DataGridView. They clear the selection and hide the iconButton2.
10. The event handler `bunifuImageButton1_Click` is executed when a button named `bunifuImageButton1` is clicked. It clears the DataGridView, the pictureBox1 image, and performs a search based on the entered ID number. If a valid ID is entered, it retrieves the matching account information from the database using the `Account` class and populates the DataGridView with the search results. It also displays the corresponding person's image in the pictureBox1.
11. The event handler `iconButton1_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton1` is clicked. It creates a new instance of the `Add_account` form and displays it as a dialog. After that, it calls `Refresh_Data()` to update the DataGridView.
12. The event handler `iconButton2_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton2` is clicked. It deletes the selected account from the database using the `Account` class, calls `Refresh_Data()` to update the DataGridView, and hides the iconButton2.
13. The event handler `dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick` is executed when a cell in the DataGridView is double-clicked. It retrieves the value of the "User_name" cell from the clicked row, shows the iconButton2, and sets the `x` variable to the user name value. It also retrieves the employee information and displays the corresponding person's image in the pictureBox1.
“ add account ”
1. The constructor `Add_account()` initializes the form by calling `InitializeComponent()`.
2. The method `TexteBox_Enter(ref TextBox t)` is a helper method that is used to handle the enter event for TextBox controls. It clears the text, sets the text color to LightGray, and enables the tab stop for the TextBox.
3. The event handler `textpass_Enter` is executed when the password TextBox (`textpass`) receives focus. If the current text is "Password", it clears the text, sets the alignment to Left, calls `TexteBox_Enter` to handle the enter event, and sets the PasswordChar property to '*' to mask the password.
4. The event handler `textname_Enter` is executed when the username TextBox (`textname`) receives focus. If the current text is "UserName", it clears the text and calls `TexteBox_Enter` to handle the enter event.
5. The event handler `textname_Leave` is executed when the username TextBox loses focus. If the current text is empty, it sets the text to "UserName", changes the text color to IndianRed, and displays an error message in the `lab_username_err` label.
6. The event handler `textpass_Leave` is executed when the password TextBox loses focus. If the current text is empty, it sets the alignment to Center, removes the password masking, sets the text color to IndianRed, sets the text to "Password", and displays an error message in the `lab_pass_err` label. If the text is not "Password", it sets the password masking back to '*' character.
7. The event handler `textpass_TextAlignChanged` is executed when the alignment of the password TextBox changes. If the alignment is set to Center, it moves the focus to the `textphonenumber` TextBox.
8. The event handlers `textphonenumber_Leave` and `textphonenumber_Enter` handle the focus events for the phone number TextBox (`textphonenumber`). They clear the default text when entering and restore it if it is empty when leaving.
9. The event handler `iconButton1_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton1` is clicked. It checks if all the required fields (username, password, first name, second name, and type) are filled. If so, it creates an instance of the `Account` class, sets the account details using the provided values, calls the `creat_acconut()` method to create the account in the database, and saves the person's image if it exists. Finally, it closes the form. If any required field is missing, it displays an error message in the corresponding label.
10. The event handler `iconButton2_Click` is executed when a button named `iconButton2` is clicked. It simply closes the form.
11. The event handlers `textsname_Enter` and `textfname_Enter` handle the focus events for the first name TextBox (`textfname`) and the second name TextBox (`textsname`). They clear the default text when entering.
12. The event handler `btnchoosepic_Click` is executed when a button named `btnchoosepic` is clicked. It opens a file dialog to choose an image file (jpg, png, or bmp), and if a file is selected, it sets the image in the `pictureBox1`.
13. The event handlers `textfname_Leave` and `textsname_Leave` are executed when the first name and second name TextBoxes lose focus, respectively. If the current text is empty, they
restore the default text, change the text color to IndianRed, and display an error message in the corresponding label.
14. The event handlers `btn_exite_dark_Click`, `btn_exite_light_Click`, `btn_exite_dark_MouseLeave`, and `btn_exite_light_MouseEnter` handle the click and mouse enter/leave events for exit buttons (`btn_exite_dark` and `btn_exite_light`). They close the form or change the visibility of the buttons based on the mouse interaction.
15. The event handlers `radio_Admin_CheckedChanged` and `radio_Employee_CheckedChanged` handle the checked changed events for radio buttons (`radio_Admin` and `radio_Employee`). They clear the error message in the `lab_type_error` label when a type is selected.
“ Stadium DataBase ”
This database tables using SQL statements. The tables are named `Account`, `Matches`, `Teams`, and `Ticket`. Let's explain each table and its columns:
1. Table `Account`:
- Columns:
- `UserName`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the username of the account (unique and not null).
- `Password`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the password of the account (not null).
- `Type`: VARCHAR(9) - Represents the type of the account (e.g., "Admin" or "Employee") (not null).
- `Firste_Name`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the first name of the person associated with the account (not null).
- `Second_Name`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the second name of the person associated with the account (not null).
- `dis_persone_image`: VARCHAR(100) - Represents the path or URL to the person's image (nullable).
- `Phone_Number`: VARCHAR(15) - Represents the phone number associated with the account (nullable).
- Primary Key: The primary key is defined on the `UserName` column.
2. Table `Matches`:
- Columns:
- `Id`: INT - Represents the unique identifier for the match (not null).
- `Team1_id`: INT - Represents the ID of the first team participating in the match (not null).
- `Team2_id`: INT - Represents the ID of the second team participating in the match (not null).
- `Match_Date`: DATETIME - Represents the date and time of the match (not null).
- `Booking_Seats`: VARCHAR(600) - Represents the booked seats for the match (nullable).
- `Teams_name`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the name of the teams participating in the match (not null).
- Primary Key: The primary key is defined on the `Id` column.
- Foreign Key Constraints: There are two foreign key constraints referencing the `Teams` table, one for `Team1_id` and one for `Team2_id`.
3. Table `Teams`:
- Columns:
- `Id`: INT - Represents the unique identifier for the team (not null).
- `name`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the name of the team (not null).
- `picture_dis`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the path or URL to the team's picture (not null).
- Primary Key: The primary key is defined on the `Id` column.
4. Table `Ticket`:
- Columns:
- `Id`: INT - Represents the unique identifier for the ticket (not null).
- `Name`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the name of the ticket (not null).
- `Number_of_Seats`: INT - Represents the number of seats booked on the ticket (not null).
- `Price`: INT - Represents the price of the ticket (not null).
- `Match_ID`: INT - Represents the ID of the match associated with the ticket (not null).
- `Booking_Date`: DATETIME - Represents the date and time when the ticket was booked (not null).
- `Employee_username`: VARCHAR(50) - Represents the username of the employee associated with the ticket (not null).
- `Sets_number`: VARCHAR(70) - Represents the seat numbers for the ticket (nullable).
- Primary Key: The primary key is defined on the `Id` column.
- Foreign Key Constraints: There are two foreign key constraints, one referencing the `Matches` table (`Match_ID`) and one referencing the `Account` table (`Employee_username`).
1:- account class..
1. Class and Constructor:
- The class is declared as `internal`, which means it can be accessed within the same assembly.
- The class contains a private field `cn` of type `SqlConnection`, which represents a connection to a SQL Server database. The connection string is provided, specifying the database file location.
- The class has several private fields representing different attributes of an account, such as `UserName`, `Password`, `type`, `first_name`, `second_name`, `phone_number`, `persone_image`, and `FullName`.
- There are multiple constructors defined, allowing different ways to initialize the account object.
2. Setter and Getter Methods:
- The class provides setter and getter methods for each attribute, allowing access to and modification of the account information.
3. Database Operations:
- The class includes various methods for interacting with the database.
- The `view_All_Account` method retrieves all account records from the database and returns them as a `DataTable`.
- The `get_Employee_info` method retrieves the account information for a specific account based on the provided username.
- The `login_Check` method checks if a username and password combination exists in the database and retrieves the corresponding account information if found.
- The `creat_acconut` method inserts a new account record into the database with the provided account details.
- The `search_by_id` method searches for an account based on the provided username and returns the account information as a `DataTable`.
- The `Delete` method deletes an account from the database based on the provided username.
4. Exception Handling:
- The methods catch `SqlException` and display the corresponding error message using `MessageBox.Show()`.
2:-manage match..
1. The class has a private SqlConnection object named `cn` which establishes a connection to a local SQL Server database. The connection string is specified with the database file path.
2. The class has several private member variables representing match details such as team names, team IDs, match date and time, number of audiences, match ID, seat information, and image display paths for the teams.
3. Public properties are defined for accessing and setting the values of these member variables.
4. The `set_mange` method takes a string as input and processes it to set the seat availability for the match. It splits the input string by comma and assigns the corresponding seat as occupied in the `Seats` array.
5. The `search_by_id` method retrieves match information from the database based on the provided match ID. It executes a SQL SELECT query and returns the resulting DataTable.
6. The `Check_this_chair_Avalibal` method checks if a specific seat is available for booking based on its index in the `Seats` array.
7. The `Generat_Id` method generates a new match ID by querying the database for the highest existing ID and incrementing it. If no IDs are found, it sets the ID to 1000.
8. The `insert_match` method inserts a new match record into the database. It retrieves the team IDs based on the team names, generates a new match ID, and inserts the match details into the database table.
9. The `view_All_ticket` method retrieves all match tickets from the database. It executes a SQL SELECT query and returns the resulting DataTable.
10. The `get_next_match` method retrieves the details of the next upcoming match from the database. It executes a SQL SELECT query with a filter for matches after the current date and time. It populates the class variables with the retrieved information.
11. The `Check_FK_ID_Ticket` method checks if a given match ID is referenced in the foreign key of the `Ticket` table. It executes a SQL SELECT query and returns a boolean indicating whether the match ID exists in the table.
12. The `Delete` method deletes a match record from the database. It first checks if the match ID is referenced in the `Ticket` table, and if so, deletes the corresponding tickets. Then, it deletes the match record itself by executing a SQL DELETE query.
3:- tiket class…
1. The class has a private SqlConnection object named "cn" which represents the connection to a SQL Server database.
2. It includes several private fields such as "id", "number_of_seats", "match_id", "price", "name", "Employee_username", "name_of_Employee", "set_num", and "d" (which is a DateTime object).
3. The class defines public properties for accessing and modifying these private fields. Each property has a "get" and "set" accessor.
4. The "Generat_Id()" method is used to generate a unique ID for the ticket. It retrieves the latest ID from the "Ticket" table in the database and increments it by 1. If no ID exists in the table, it sets the initial ID to 1000. The method returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation.
5. The "insert_ticket()" method is responsible for inserting a new ticket into the database. It calls the "Generat_Id()" method to obtain a unique ID for the ticket. Then, it constructs an SQL query to insert the ticket details (ID, name, number of seats, price, match ID, date, employee username, and seat number) into the "Ticket" table. After executing the query, it also updates the "Booking_Seats" field in the "Matches" table with the newly booked seat number. The method returns a boolean value indicating the success of the operation.
6. The "view_All_ticket()" method retrieves all ticket information from the database. It constructs an SQL query to join the "Ticket", "Matches", and "Account" tables based on their relationships and retrieves relevant data (ticket ID, ticket name, team names, match date, number of seats, booking date, price, and employee name). The method returns a DataTable object containing the retrieved data.
7. The "search_by_id(int sid)" method is used to search for a specific ticket by its ID. It constructs an SQL query similar to the "view_All_ticket()" method but adds a condition to filter the results based on the provided ticket ID. The method returns a DataTable object containing the retrieved data.
8. The "Delete(int sid)" method is responsible for deleting a ticket from the database based on its ID. It constructs an SQL query to delete the ticket from the "Ticket" table. The method takes the ticket ID as a parameter.