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Competitive Programming Exercises

A problem a day! Here is an index of all the problems.

Date Link Site Title
20200730 Day 1 LeetCode Maximum Subarray
20200731 Day 2 LeetCode Matrix Block Sum
20200801 Day 3 LeetCode Plus One
20200802 Day 4 LeetCode Multiply Strings
20200803 Day 5 LeetCode House Robber
20200804 Day 6 LeetCode Count Square Submatrices with All Ones
20200805 Day 7 LeetCode Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values
20200806 Day 8 LeetCode Counting Bits
20200807 Day 9 LeetCode Binary Subarrays With Sum
20200808 Day 10 LeetCode Task Scheduler
20200809 Day 11 LeetCode Merge Intervals
20200810 Day 12 HackerRank Meeting Schedules
20200811 Day 13 ICPC Kattis Ship Traffic
20200812 Day 14 LeetCode Count Submatrices With All Ones
20200813 Day 15 Online Judge 1260 - Sales
20200814 Day 16 HackerRank Sam and substrings
20200815 Day 17 LeetCode Max Nesting Depth of 2 VPSs
20200816 Day 18 LeetCode The Skyline Problem
20200817 Day 19 LeetCode Search a 2D Matrix II
20200818 Day 20 LeetCode Path With Maximum Gold
20200819 Day 21 LeetCode Majority Element
20200820 Day 22 LeetCode Recover Binary Search Tree
20200821 Day 23 LeetCode Burst Balloons
20200822 Day 24 LeetCode Binary Tree Cameras
20200823 Day 25 LeetCode K Closest Points to Origin
20200824 Day 26 LeetCode Trapping Rain Water
20200825 Day 27 LeetCode Valid Permutations for DI Sequence
20200826 Day 28 LeetCode Trapping Rain Water II
20200827 Day 29 LeetCode Freedom Trail
20200828 Day 30 LeetCode Longest Increasing Path in A Matrix
20200829 Day 31 LeetCode Different Ways to Add Parantheses
20200830 Day 32 LeetCode Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance
20200831 Day 33 LeetCode Surrounded Regions

Collaborator checklist

  • When posing a problem/challenge for the day provide links to problem, online judge/site etc and title, and append ⏳. Try and populate for the problems for the upcoming week in advance. This can very well be a 7 problems a week repository but that is the limit of flexibility - the idea is not to have too much backlog at any time.
  • Each day's deliverable is a subdirectory titled titled by the day index (say Day1) and further subdirectories named after collaborators, currently Blastoise and Aditya239 within which their respective codes should rest. After the accepted solution is pushed and task is completed, replace one's ⏳ with ✅


A nice program a day






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