A problem a day! Here is an index of all the problems.
Date | Link | Site | Title | ||
20200730 | Day 1 | LeetCode | Maximum Subarray | ✅ | ✅ |
20200731 | Day 2 | LeetCode | Matrix Block Sum | ✅ | ✅ |
20200801 | Day 3 | LeetCode | Plus One | ✅ | ✅ |
20200802 | Day 4 | LeetCode | Multiply Strings | ✅ | ✅ |
20200803 | Day 5 | LeetCode | House Robber | ✅ | ✅ |
20200804 | Day 6 | LeetCode | Count Square Submatrices with All Ones | ✅ | ✅ |
20200805 | Day 7 | LeetCode | Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values | ✅ | ✅ |
20200806 | Day 8 | LeetCode | Counting Bits | ✅ | ✅ |
20200807 | Day 9 | LeetCode | Binary Subarrays With Sum | ✅ | ✅ |
20200808 | Day 10 | LeetCode | Task Scheduler | ✅ | ✅ |
20200809 | Day 11 | LeetCode | Merge Intervals | ✅ | ✅ |
20200810 | Day 12 | HackerRank | Meeting Schedules | ✅ | ✅ |
20200811 | Day 13 | ICPC Kattis | Ship Traffic | ✅ | ⏳ |
20200812 | Day 14 | LeetCode | Count Submatrices With All Ones | ✅ | ⏳ |
20200813 | Day 15 | Online Judge | 1260 - Sales | ✅ | ✅ |
20200814 | Day 16 | HackerRank | Sam and substrings | ✅ | ✅ |
20200815 | Day 17 | LeetCode | Max Nesting Depth of 2 VPSs | ✅ | ⏳ |
20200816 | Day 18 | LeetCode | The Skyline Problem | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200817 | Day 19 | LeetCode | Search a 2D Matrix II | ⏳ | ✅ |
20200818 | Day 20 | LeetCode | Path With Maximum Gold | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200819 | Day 21 | LeetCode | Majority Element | ⏳ | ✅ |
20200820 | Day 22 | LeetCode | Recover Binary Search Tree | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200821 | Day 23 | LeetCode | Burst Balloons | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200822 | Day 24 | LeetCode | Binary Tree Cameras | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200823 | Day 25 | LeetCode | K Closest Points to Origin | ⏳ | ✅ |
20200824 | Day 26 | LeetCode | Trapping Rain Water | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200825 | Day 27 | LeetCode | Valid Permutations for DI Sequence | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200826 | Day 28 | LeetCode | Trapping Rain Water II | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200827 | Day 29 | LeetCode | Freedom Trail | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200828 | Day 30 | LeetCode | Longest Increasing Path in A Matrix | ⏳ | ✅ |
20200829 | Day 31 | LeetCode | Different Ways to Add Parantheses | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200830 | Day 32 | LeetCode | Find K-th Smallest Pair Distance | ⏳ | ⏳ |
20200831 | Day 33 | LeetCode | Surrounded Regions | ⏳ | ⏳ |
- When posing a problem/challenge for the day provide links to problem, online judge/site etc and title, and append ⏳. Try and populate for the problems for the upcoming week in advance. This can very well be a 7 problems a week repository but that is the limit of flexibility - the idea is not to have too much backlog at any time.
- Each day's deliverable is a subdirectory titled titled by the day index (say
) and further subdirectories named after collaborators, currentlyBlastoise
within which their respective codes should rest. After the accepted solution is pushed and task is completed, replace one's ⏳ with ✅