A weather application that displays the current weather based on the entered geolocation data.
Go here for live demo.
The weather application is composed of the following components:
Search-box - Gets City and country input from the user
CurrentWeatherDisplay - Displays weather information for the entered locatio data in time.
Min&Max - Displays minimum expected temperature and maximum expected temperature
The following services are used to obtain weather data:
- WeatherService - A wrapper that is responsible for integrating with the [OpenWeather Api]. It provides an interface that allows one to obtain current weather information.
- Display current weather
- Display minimum expected temperature
- Displays maximum expected temperature
- Displays an Image showcasing the weather condition
This project also demonstrates:
- a typcial React project layout structure
- [OpenWeather API] integration
- Visual Studio Code - A source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes support for debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring
- Node.js - Javascript runtime
- React - A javascript library for building user interfaces
- Babel - A transpiler for javascript
- Webpack - A module bundler
- SCSS - A css metalanguage
- Bootstrap 4 - Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS
- Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js
- [OpenWeather API] - Provides weather information
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The following software is required to be installed on your system:
- Node 8.x
- Npm 3.x
Type the following commands in the terminal to verify your node and npm versions
node -v
npm -v
Follow the following steps to get development environment running.
Clone 'weather-App' repository from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/AdityaKumawat97/weather-App
git clone git@github.com:AdityaKumawat97/weather-App.git
Install node modules
cd weather-App npm install
Before continuing, the following steps are required:
Get API keys
OpenWeather API
Have a look at OpenWeather API
Get an API key here
Build application
This command will also run ESLint as part of build process.
npm run build
Build application and start watching for changes
This command will also run ESLint as part of build process.
npm run build:watch
Lint project using ESLint
npm run lint
Lint project using ESLint, and autofix
npm run lint:fix
Run start
This will run the 'serve' npm task
npm start
Run webpack dev server
npm run serve:dev
Alternatively run live-server (simple development http server with live reload capability)
npm run serve