- Fork this repository.
- Go to LeetCode and log in to your account
- Open Developer Tools (F12 or right-click -> Inspect)
- Go to the Application tab and refresh the page
- In the Cookies section, find:
- In your repository's Settings → Secrets and Variables → Actions, add:
(from cookies)
- In Settings → Actions → General, enable 'Read and write permissions'
- The workflow runs daily at 15:00 UTC to update your stats. Go to the actions tab and ensure the workflows are not
- If you want to run it manually to see your stats and solutions organized quickly, then go to the
section and run the #1 successfully twice. Then you can run #2 and #3 subsequently, and it will work.
Error: TypeError: response.data.data.submissionList.submissions is not iterable
, re-enter your CSRF token and session (perform steps 2-6 again)
If everything runs as expected, you will see something like this
This project uses LeetCode Sync to fetch solutions, runtime, and memory usage data from LeetCode.