This is a website for recruiting and teaching aspiring developers software development. The website is still under development so most of the links are not yet functional. However the About and Courses links are functional as well as the clicking on the logo to navigate to the home page.
- JavaScript.
To run this application please follow these steps: To run this application please follow these steps:
1.Clone the repo onto your local machine using the HTTPS link. 2.Open the project using your browser by; -Installing a live server extension in Visual Studio Code and right clicking on the index.html file then click the first option 1 (Open with Live Server).
👤 Author1 Adorn Choga(me)
- GitHub: @adornchoga
- Twitter: @adorn_choga
- LinkedIn: adorn-choga
👤 Author2 Cindy Shin is the author of the template that I used to build this website.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
I would like to acknowledge Pexels the profile images I obtained from their site for free. I also acknowledge TransparentPNG for the free logo I got from their website.
This project is MIT licensed.