Aruco Visual Markers for Gazebo Simulator
Forked from
Goto the Installing gazebo's README to install gazebo and other dependencies
To run offboard example given on px4 source
In a new terminal run
for starting master. -
In a new terminal open
where our ros environment is installedLet's create a new package named
in that src and run it.*create a new package with dependencies using
catkin_create_pkg offboard std_msgs rospy roscpp
*This creates a new CMakeLists.txt, src folder and package.xml
*Edit the CmakeLists.txt add this snippet at last
add_executable(offb_node src/offb_node.cpp)
target_link_libraries(offb_node ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
*Inside the src folder create offb_node.cpp and copy paste the code from here
*type the command in our workspace
to build our catkin package.*
rosrun offboard offb_node
to run our offboard package. -
In new terminal goto
Launch the mavros by command
roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14540@"
In a new terminal goto
Launch the gazebo simulator by command
make posix_sitl_default gazebo
Now the offboard example is enabled u can see the quad takeoff in the simulator.
To install a simple camera facing downwards at bottom of IRIS quadrotor model in Gazebo and publish its frames on ROS(Kinetic).
This tutorial assumes your have cloned Firmware folder in ~/src/Firmware and have successfully all its dependencies.
- To install a camera in IRIS proceed as follows:-
Open iris_base.xacro present in ~/src/Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/rotors_description/urdf/
Search in iris_base.xacro and add the following code just above it and save it.
Add these lines
<xacro:camera_macro namespace="${namespace}" parent_link="base_link" camera_suffix="red_iris" frame_rate="30.0" horizontal_fov="1.3962634" image_width="800" image_height="800" image_format="R8G8B8" min_distance="0.02" max_distance="300" noise_mean="0.0" noise_stddev="0.007" enable_visual="1" > </xacro:camera_macro> save it .
- To Run the gazebo simulation follow these
Go to ~src/Firmware
run the commandno_sim=1 make posix_sitl_default gazebo
as shown in What's Happening Behind the Scenes it will initialize the gazebo -
To open our iris Go to Firmware again in new Terminal run the command bash command
"source Tools/setup_gazebo.bash $(pwd) $(pwd)/build/posix_sitl_default"
Then run the command
"roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch world_name:=$(pwd)/Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds/"
in the same terminal
Now we can see our iris with camera in gazebo simulator
Open New terminal to see published raw images Type "rostopic list" to see the list of topics where we can see '/iris/camera_red_iris/image_raw' So our camera is working and publishing our images to ros
You can also visualize it by typing rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
Then see the image of our camera in iris quad in /iris/camera_red_iris/image_raw
Clone this repo to downloads
source to clone the repository
Now copy the aruco_7(not the aruco7_pad folder) folder to ~src/Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo/Models
Now replace the given in this repository file to ~src/Firmware/Tools/sitl_gazebo/Worlds
Now run roscore
Now rosrun offboard offb_node
goto ~src/Firmware
roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14540@"
In other terminal execute this code
In other one source Tools/setup_gazebo.bash $(pwd) $(pwd)/build/posix_sitl_default
roslaunch gazebo_ros empty_world.launch world_name:=$(pwd)/Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds/
no_sim=1 make posix_sitl_default gazebo
The calibration data which we got during calibrating the camera in gazebo ; Now create a .yaml file and insert that data into it . Backup the head_camera.yaml file of the usb_camera (@ ~/.ros/camera_info) and replace the newly created file with the name head_camera.yaml.
goto catkin_ws/src/aruco_ros/kinetic/devel/aruco_ros/launch/single.launch
and change line 13
in it with this code.
and save it.
and source devel/
to increase the size of aruco goto
and edit the model.sdf file make the size 0.5
roslaunch usb_cam usb_cam-test.launch
rosrun image_proc image_proc image_raw:=/iris/camera_red_iris/image_raw camera_info:=/usb_cam/camera_info
roslaunch aruco_ros single.launch markerId:=7 markerSize:=0.5
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
and select stream .. /aruco.single/result
Now you can get the pose data from the topic aruco.single/pose
clone this offboard node to the src of catkin folder (this is modified one)
Now catkin_make and source it
follow the aruco detection in gazebo again .
now modify the and change the size of aruco in the models