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Models and Analysis of Physics Dataset course: FPGA projects

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MAPD - FPGA Laboratory

General Information

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Starting "Vivado"

To start the program Vivado on the pc in the Lab, digit from the terminal:

. /opt/Xilinx/setup

FPGA Serial Number: xc7a35tcsg324-1


# Project Notes
1 hello_word Source file, Synthesis, Implementation (constraints), Programming the FPGA
2 multiplex Testbench, Simulation
3 counter Memory configuration
4 debugg Debug tools (VIO, ILA)
5 filter Arithmetic operations
6 fsm Finite State Machine
7 fsm FSM with VIO and ILA
8 spi SPI protocol

VHDL naming convention

Signal/Component Name
Clock clk
Reset rst
Input Port port_in
Output Port port_out
VHDL file name entityname.vhd
Test bench file name tb_entityname.vhd
Constraint file mapping.xdc
Signal between 2 comps sign_cmp1_cmp2
Process name p_name
ila signal ila_signal
vio signal vio_signal
state name s_name

VHDL Notes


Defines I/O terminals and the name of the circuit.

entity FULL_ADDER is
    A, B, C_in : in bit;
    C_out, S   : out in bit


Defines the box functionalities; includes:

  • Declaration (before begin) of internal signals and variables
  • Assertion (begin to end)> describe circuit behaviour
archtecture BHV of FULL_ADDER is
  signal P, G: bit;
  P     <= A xor B;
  G     <= A and B;
  S     <= P and C_in;
  C_out <= (P and C_in) or G;
end BPV

Signal, Process, Event

  • A process is a block of code that describe operation of a logic module
  • Different processes communicate with each other through signals
  • An event is achange in value of one of the signals; a process sensitive to it is activated and executes its function in response to an event


Signals are data structures able to represent (digital) waveforms in time. They can be declared:

  • in the architecture
  • in the clause port of the entity

Assignment operator

target <= value

The target must be a signal.

  • the assignment establishes a link between its inputs (the signals contained in the driver) and its output (the target) so it is activated only when there is an event (ie a change in value) of one of the inputs
  • the order with which assignments are written inside of the architecture does not matter

Concurrent instructions

  • used within the architecture to describe the signal behavior
  • activated (or executed) only after an event on one of the signals to which they are sensitive
  • the order of execution does not depend from the order with which they appear in the model: parallel signal processing


Models and Analysis of Physics Dataset course: FPGA projects






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