This is the Ruby web based application, have Restful API's for a Blog application.
- Pre-Req: You should have docker & docker-compose install on your machine.
- To install Docker: Windows, Ubuntu, Mac
- To install docker-compose: Docker Compose
Clone the project by "git clone repo-url"
Open project directory into terminal.
Type "docker-compose up --build"
After building and running all the container open pgadmin for DB configuration.
- Login Email:
- Password: admin
First create a server from the panel on the left side as shown below:
Now create a DB with the name of "blog_app_production" as shown below:
Now hit the Open App, your application is up and running.
Now open another terminal, run the below commands:
- Run command "docker exec -it blog-app bash" to access docker container terminal.
- Type command on docker container terminal "rake db:migrate" for db migrations.
- At the end, type command "rake db:seed" to generate dummy data.
Default login users:
- Email: user[1 to 100]
- Password for all users: password
Note: You need to set Authentication token in against each API (except login), to communicate the server.
Login API: (POST request)
- Description: This API will be used for login and get token against a user.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/#
- Payload: { "email": "", "password": "password" }
- Response: { "token": "1ab103011d3672342821145e3762d949" }
Creat Post API: (POST request)
- Description: This API will craete a post against a user.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/posts
- Payload: { "title": "Post Number postman", "context": "This post is agains", "user_ip": "" }
- Response: { "post": { "id": 6515, "title": "Post Number postman", "context": "This post is agains", "created_at": "2021-10-09T16:03:55.469Z" } }
Rate a Post API: (POST request)
- Description: This API will be used to rate a Post (Rating will be between 1 to 5). And it will return the average of all the ratings against that Post.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/ratings
- Payload: { "rate": 5, "post_id": 20 }
- Response: { "average_rating": 4.8, "post_id": 20 }
Get top N post by average rating: (GET request)
- Description: This API will be used to get top N number of posts by average rating, by default value of showPosts is 5.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/top/posts?showPosts=1
- Response: { "message": [ { "title": "Post Number 1528", "context": "This post is against user 1" } ] }
Get IP's & authors, against the IP of Post: (GET request)
- Description: This API will return list of user's/author's against the Post IP.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/author/ips
- Response: { "": [ "" ], "": [ "" ] }
Get All Post: (GET request)
- Description: This API will return all the Posts. Pagination is also implement in this API, default it wil return 1 page with 5 values.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/posts?page=1&per_page=2
- Response: { "posts": [ { "id": 6516, "title": "Post Number 1", "context": "This post is against user 1", "created_at": "2021-10-10T09:52:35.639Z" }, { "id": 6517, "title": "Post Number 2", "context": "This post is against user 1", "created_at": "2021-10-10T09:52:35.659Z" } ] }
Get All Users: (GET request)
- Description: This API will return all the registered User.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/users
- Response: { "users": [ { "id": 5, "email": "", "created_at": "2021-10-10T09:52:35.019Z" }, { "id": 6, "email": "", "created_at": "2021-10-10T09:53:22.370Z" } ] }
Get All Ratings: (GET request)
- Description: This API will return all the Rating against every Post.
- URL: http://localhost:3000/ratings
- Response: { "ratings": [ { "id": 3479 }, { "id": 3480 } ] }