- Clone the Repository: Use git clone to clone the library's repository to your local machine.
- Build the Library: Navigate to the cloned repository's directory and use the .NET CLI to build the project.
cd aidbox-dotnet
dotnet build
- Reference the Library in Your Project: After building the library, you can reference the resulting DLL in your project directly.
dotnet add reference ../path/to/library/library.csproj
using Aidbox.FHIR.Base;
using Aidbox.FHIR.Resource;
using Aidbox.FHIR.Constraint;
using API;
Auth authorization = new()
Method = AuthMethods.BASIC,
Credentials = new() { Username = "basic", Password = "secret" }
Client client = new("https://name.aidbox.app", authorization);
HumanName name = new() { Given = ["Gena"], Family = "Razmakhnin" };
Coding coding = new() {
System = "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0203",
Code = "SS",
Display = "Social Security Number"
Identifier identifier = new()
Use = "official",
Type = new CodeableConcept() { Coding = [coding] },
System = "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.1",
Value = "123-45-6789"
var patient = new McodeCancerPatient()
Gender = "male",
Name = [name],
Identifier = [identifier]
await client.Create(new McodeCancerPatient()
Gender = "male",
Name = [name],
Identifier = [identifier]
var (patient, error) = await client.Read<McodeCancerPatient>("patient-1")
dotnet run --project examples/AidboxClient