The project is organized into features (auth, users, etc.) Within the features
folder, each feature will have
folder for the react query hooks that makes API callscomponents
folder, for the relevant components needed.server
folder, that defines the API routes for the feature
ReactQuery and Hono provides end-to-end type-safety in this project. RQ(frontend) Hono(backend).
Note to self: api/[[...route]]/route.ts
is a catch all route for Nextjs to direct routes to be handled by Hono
- Used Shadcn for form components
- Validated form using Zod on FE
- Use react query for making type-safe API calls to server
- Session middlware is called to check if user is logged in. It also sets the current user in context (c) to use within route endpoint. see
- Protect sign-in and sign-up routes if user already exist
- Protect home route if user doesn't exist
- Made dashboard layout responsive on all screen sizes
- Repsonsive open and close sidebar, routing to desired pages.
- Dropdown menu to view workspaces to choose from in sidebar
- Uses shadcn/react-hook-form with zod for handling form submission
- Implement the creating a workspace server route
- Render success and error messages with toaster