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Scripts to import historical datasets from Electricity Maps

This repo contains the colleteral necessary to import historical data from Electricity Maps API.

Electricity Maps publishes and releases data sets for zones and countries with hourly and daily data on CO2 emissions and % of renewable energy generated. The example here uses the dataset for Germany

We can download any of these zones here and with the table below cross referencing for every current Linode production cloud deployment.

This guide assumes you have deployed the Grafana/InfluxDB stack for emissions tracking here:

Location Country Code Zone Name Display Name
us-southeast US Southern Company Services US-SE-SOCO
us-ord US PJM interconnection US-MIDA-PJM
us-central US Electric Reliability Council of Texas US-TEX-ERCO
us-west US California ISO US-CAL-CISO
us-lax US California ISO US-CAL-CISO
us-mia US City of Homestead US-FLA-HST
us-east US PJM interconnection US-MIDA-PJM
us-sea US Puget Sound Energy US-NW-PSEI
us-iad US PJM interconnection US-MIDA-PJM
ca-central CA Ontario CA-ON
nl-ams NL Netherlands NL
it-mil IT Central North Italy IT-CNO
eu-west UK Great Britain GB
gb-lon UK Great Britain GB
fr-par FR France FR
es-mad ES Spain ES
eu-central DE Germany DE
de-fra-2 DE Germany DE
se-sto SE South Central Sweden SE-SE3
sg-sin-2 SG Singapore SG
jp-osa JP Kansai JP-KN
ap-northeast JP Tokyo JP-TK
jp-tyo-3 JP Tokyo JP-TK
in-maa IN Southern India IN-SO
in-bom-2 IN Western India IN-WE
id-cgk ID Indonesia ID
br-gru BR South Brazil BR-S
ap-southeast AU New South Wales AU-NSW
au-mel AU Victoria AU-VIC

How to Deploy

  1. This guide assumes you have already built the Grafana/InflxuDB instance documented here:

  2. Go to ElectricityMaps website and download the historical dataset for a zone/country, in this example we are going to use Germany for the grid information as it applies to Linode Frankfurt Data centre. Download the hourly dataset from here

  3. Copy across the dataset file downloaded from Electricity Maps to the Linode where the Grafana/InfluxDB stack is running in to the scripts directory /scripts/co2intensitymonitoring/DE_2024_hourly.csv

  4. Copy across the bash script in the respository here called which formats the csv file in to the correct format before inporting in to InfluxDB

  5. Run the modifcation script on the original historical hourly dataset like this: ./ DE_2024_hourly.csv DE_2024_hourly_mod.csv

  6. Next setup influxDB config on the cli with this command, add your InfluxDB token in to the --token placeholder "INSERT_INFLUXDB_TOKEN_HERE" influx config create --config-name default --host-url http://localhost:8086 --org Akamai --token INSERT_INFLUXDB_TOKEN_HERE --active

  7. Next use the InfluxDB write command to import the modified csv file in to the existing bucket, in this example we are using de-fra-2 (Frankfurt) location influx write --bucket de-fra-2 --file DE_2024_hourly_mod.csv

  8. Next go to the Grafana Dashboard and import the example dashboard here in this repo Modify as required if a different zone/country is being used or if a different year is being imported.

    You should see a dashboard like this CO2Emissions_DE_2024_Sample.png Alt text

Some known limitations

No known limitations, tested as of Jan 31st 2025 with 2024 and 2023 datasets, emaps may change file formats.


Scripts to import historical datasets from Electricity Maps







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