Who doesn't appreciate good music? 🤪
Musix-App is a platform where you can browse nonstop tunes around the world. 😍 The platform is very easy to use for people from all walks of life and of any age. They can search music by album/ by artist or by country. 🥳 💝
Login/registration is required only if the you want to see recommendations or add songs to favorites. 💯 💥
This project was generated with Angular CLI: 11.2.1. We used itunes API to fetch the data. Source:https://developer.apple.com/develop/
- Enabling the user to play music artist-wise, album-wise and country-wise.
- Enabling the user to save their favourites by signing in.
- User can also recommend songs and access the list of songs reccomended by others by logging in.
- User can access the video links of music from different genres.
- User can add comments to the songs.
- User can logout.
- Register-->login/continue without registration.
- Play songs by artist/ album/ country.
- Add favourites/recommendations (for registered users).
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository and cd into it/ import the spring boot files.
- Install dependencies through npm install in Angular Musix_App.
- Run the emailsender backend using the command node app.js which shall run on port:3000.
- Run the musix_app_backend as Spring boot App on the server port 8282 and configure the datasource with your mysql user credentials(in Application Properties}.
- Run the musix_reg_login_backend as Spring boot App on the tomcat port 8080 and configure your mongodb through application properties file.
- Run the frontend npm run start which shall run on port:4200.
Prerequisites: -JDK 1.8 or later -Maven 3 or later -MySQL 5.6 or later -MongoDB 4.2
Stack: -Spring MVC -Spring Security -Spring Data JPA -Maven -JSP -MySQL -MongoDB
Know your server:
- To register the user- post- http://localhost:8282/register- Expecting data-{ name,email, password, image }
- To authenticate User - post- http://localhost:8282/# -Expecting data-{email , password}
- To get specific user details- get- http://localhost:8282/getuserdetails/{userId}- expecting header - { 'Authorization', Bearer ${token} }.
- To add favourites- post- http://localhost:8080/favourites/addtofav- Expecting data-{userEmail, trackName, trackId, albumName, trackurl, trackGenre, isaddedtofav }
- To get favourites- get -http://localhost:8080/favourites/getallfav- expecting header - { 'Authorization', Bearer ${token} }.
- To add recommendations- post -http://localhost:8080/recommend/addtorecommend-Expecting data-{userEmail, trackName, trackId, albumName, trackurl, trackGenre, isaddedtofav }
- To get all recommendations- get -http://localhost:8080/recommend/getallrecommend- expecting header - { 'Authorization', Bearer ${token} }.
Steps to Setup the Spring Boot Back end app: 1.Clone the application 2.Create MySQL database. 3.Change MySQL username and password as per your MySQL installation. -open src/main/resources/application.properties file. -change spring.datasource.username and spring.datasource.password properties as per your mysql installation. 4.Run the app. -run as spring Boot App/ command: mvn spring-boot:run.
Steps to be followed in running Angular: 1.npm install, npm run build, npm serve. 2. For unit test cases testing: npm run test via Karma. 3. For e2e test cases testing: npm run serve, npm run e2e via Protractor.
features used for UI display:
- Angular Material
- Responsive Design, Bootstrap, HTML 5.1, CSS
For further help:
- To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.