This is a very basic Flutter App with Custom Font Icons as an alternative to SVG(as they are not officially supported Yet!) This app represents that Customizable Beautiful UI can be implemented with the Best Performance possible.
Please keep in mind that this is a very basic Flutter App which I built while I just started exploring Flutter. But I have optimized the code and improved the UI. This App contains the implementation of the followings:
- Custom Fonts as Icons
- Android's default Navigation GestureBar as an overlay
- Custom Firebase Text by Text Search
- Customizing Status Bar & Navigation Tab
- Custom Icon & Splash Screen
- Various Material Components
I kept the code as original as possible with prober Commented Guides for anyone to understand and implement. Still you need to follow these steps.
First get Flutter and all necessary SDK/Plugins installed. Full guide here Flutter: Get Started
Now create a new Flutter App, named as 'badassicons' with AndroidX Compatibility. (You can also work without AndroidX for this simple app, but for adding other advanced features in your app, its recommended to use AndroidX).
flutter create --androidx badassicons
Now download this Repo
Extract the Repo into your newly created badassicons and replace the required files.
Now you can Finally run VS-Code or Android Studio whichever you prefer and get the flutter packages and just run the App.
Check the apk files included in this Repo. Install them on your device to test it.
I'm a veteran Designer/Animator with 10+ years of experience. I always hated the excuses Developers gave me when they fail to implement my Design. One day, when I found about Flutter I said no more & started learning it.
Now go out there and do what you Love.