The HAMER_Mini robot package is designed as a sub-version of the "Halikarnas Modular Educational Robot" main model. ROS Melodic compatible.
For HAMER main model :
Rviz Launching:
$ roslaunch hamer_mini hamermini_rviz.launch
Gazebo Launching:
$ roslaunch hamer_mini hamermini_gazebo.launch
- Ultrasonic sensors added.
In order for the sensors to work properly, "gazebo_ros_pkgs" files must be downloaded to your workspace.
$ git clone -b melodic-devel
- Added "gazebo_ros_control" to hamer_mini's urdf file.
- Changed ultrasonic sensors positions and quantities.
- Available SLAM package usage (hamermini_slam.launch).
- Added laser sensor.
- Available mapping with laser sensor to gazebo maps.
In order for the SLAM to work, "slam_gmapping" package must be downloaded to your workspace.
$ git clone -b melodic-devel
SLAM Launching:
$ roslaunch hamer_mini hamermini_slam.launch
Added Hamer Mini's chasis and camera meshes (Camera meshes from Intel Realsense D435,
Added camera module (Image acquisition from the camera has been made possible.)
Changed lidar's properties (Lidar is now in tfmini properties.)
Added hamer_mini_control package (This package provides communication with Hamer Mini's Arduino controller. Only using with Hamer_Mini Robot, not for simulations).
$ roslaunch hamer_mini_control hamer_mini_control.launch
Added hamer_mini_keyboard package (This package provided Hamer Mini's keyboard controlling.)
$ rosrun hamer_mini_keyboard
NOTE: Before running keyboard code, run on terminal this codes:
$ cd ~/hamer_mini_keyboard/scripts
$ chmod +x
- Some bug fixes.
- Fixed hamer_mini package's package.xml and CMakeLists.txt files.
- Fixed "hamermini_gazebo.launch" file. Now, when the gazebo launch file is run alone, the model can be displayed on the screen.
- Fixed "hamermini_rviz.launch" file. Now all the display tools of the robot come to the rviz menu automatically. Also, when launching the rviz, there is no need to add a "model" to the end of the command.
- Some changes have been made to the hamer_mini.urdf file. The movement of the wheels was stopped until the problem of wheel movement was resolved (It will be fixed in the next update).
- Package requirements can now be used by downloading the workspace file to the src folder (such as slam_gmapping and gazebo_ros_pkg).
- Some bug fixes
NOTE: If you are encountering a freeze problem during the "catkin_make" process, try using the "catkin_make_isolated" command!
- Added "Skid Steering Drive Plugin" to hamer_mini.urdf file (
- Some changes have been made to the hamer_mini.urdf file. The movement of the wheels problem has solved.
- Added "joint_state_publisher_gui" to hamermini_rviz.launch file. Movement controls of the wheels of the robot can now be controlled on the RViz screen.
- Some bug fixes.
New Requirements:
In order for the "joint_state_publisher" to work, "joint_state_publisher_gui" package must be downloaded to your computer.
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install ros-melodic-joint-state-publisher-gui