HAMER is a robotic project that is being developed for robotic education. This repository contains ROS Melodic (branch: melodic-devel) and ROS Noetic (branch: noetic-devel) compatible robot packages of HAMER robot. This metapackage includes the following subpackages.
- hamer_bringup: It is a subpackage containing hardware control of HAMER robot.
- hamer_description: It is the subpackage containing urdf files of the HAMER robot.
- hamer_navigation: It is the subpackage containing the navigation package files of the HAMER robot.
- hamer_simulation: It is a sub-package containing the package and launch files required for the simulation of the HAMER robot.
- hamer_slam: It is a sub-package containing the package and launch files required for mapping of the HAMER robot.
- hamer_teleop: It is a sub-package containing the codes required to control the HAMER robot from the keyboard in a simulated or hardware environment.
For HAMER_mini model : https://github.com/Akerdogmus/HAMER_mini
ROS Melodic version:
git clone https://github.com/Akerdogmus/hamer -b melodic-devel
ROS Noetic version:
git clone https://github.com/Akerdogmus/hamer -b noetic-devel
- In order for the sensors to work properly, "gazebo_ros_pkgs" files must be downloaded to your workspace.
git clone https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs.git -b noetic-devel
- In order for the SLAM to work, "slam_gmapping" package must be downloaded to your workspace.
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/slam_gmapping.git -b melodic-devel
- In order for the "joint_state_publisher" to work, "joint_state_publisher_gui" package must be downloaded to your computer.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ros-melodic-joint-state-publisher-gui
- In order for the navigation package to work, "follow_waypoint" package must be downloaded to your workspace. (Waypoints package added and the default goal tolerance increased to 0.3 from 0.0 in phyton script to ease robot's movement.)
git clone https://github.com/danielsnider/follow_waypoints
Rviz Launching:
roslaunch hamer_simulation hamer_rviz.launch
Solo-Rviz Launching (v1.3 Update):
roslaunch hamer_simulation hamer_rviz_standalone.launch
Gazebo Launching:
roslaunch hamer_simulation hamer_gazebo.launch
roslaunch hamer_simulation hamer_gazebo_emptyworld.launch
roslaunch hamer_simulation hamer_gazebo_maze.launch
SLAM Launching:
roslaunch hamer_slam hamer_slam.launch
Teleop Launching:
rosrun hamer_teleop hamer_teleop.py
Navigation Launching (Added v1.1):
roslaunch hamer_navigation hamer_navigation.launch
NOTE: Before running keyboard code, run on terminal this codes:
cd ~/hamer_teleop/scripts && chmod +x hamer_teleop.py
- First version
- Added Gazebo Sonar Plugins (Now Sonar Sensors available)
- Added hamer_navigation subpackage (Now navigation tools and 2d nav goal available)
- Added new Gazebo maps and launch files
"hamer_navigation" Package Changes:
- base_local_planner parameters changed.
- costmap_common_parameters new parameters added and existing upgraded.
- Added new parameters for global_costmap and local costmap.
- costmap_converter, teb_local_planner in param folder and cfg folder in navigation package removed.
- navigation launch file: The param teb_local_planner is removed. Instead, TrajectoryPlannerRos used.
- Rviz starting added to launch file.
- HAMER is now ROS Noetic compatible.
- "hamer_rviz_standalone.launch" file added (For using HAMER Rviz without Gazebo working)
"hamer_teleop" Package Changes:
- for teleop operation Launch file added so only launch file is enough to use keyboard.
- Some bug and file fixes.
- Hamer Navigation subpackage
- New Gazebo Maps
- Hamer ROS Noetic version
- Hamer ROS2 version
- New Hamer robot model
- All Hamer subpackage rework
- If you want to control the robot with the help of an interface, not a terminal, you can install Robotic Controller Interface in your workspace.
git clone https://github.com/Akerdogmus/Robotic_Controller_Interface
- HAMER Robots YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJIAVXEoZ3Qzcn72Dd_9upg/featured?disable_polymer=1
- Alim Kerem Erdoğmuş - https://www.linkedin.com/in/alim-kerem-erdogmus/
- Enes YAZ - Navigation Subpackage Designer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/enes-yaz/
- Harun ÇOŞKUN - HAMER Robot Model Designer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/harun-%C3%A7o%C5%9Fkun-91a579159/
- Berkay YAŞAR -Test Maps Designer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/efecan-berkay-yasar/
- Samet AYDOĞAN - http://www.linkedin.com/in/samet-aydogan
- Muhammed KOCAOĞLU - Navigation Subpackage Designer - https://www.linkedin.com/in/muhammed-kocaoğlu-2b661b178/
- Fatih VATANSEVER - https://www.linkedin.com/in/fatihvatansever/
- Yağız UMUR - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yagizumur/
- Berkay YARIŞ - https://www.linkedin.com/in/berkayyaris/
- Muhammed Oğuz TAŞ - https://www.linkedin.com/in/moguztas/
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (Apache-2.0 License).