A custom bem abiding css class name generator primarily targeted towards react developers
All you have to do is install the library via npm:
npm i --save simple-bem-namer
import it into your project:
import {bem} from 'simple-bem-namer'; // ES6 way
const bem = require('simple-bem-namer').bem;
assign a variable and pass an argument into it:
const main = bem("Appbar");
const btn = bem("btn");
And with that you can simply pass them as functions into css classNames:
main() // Appbar
main("=title") // Appbar__title
main("=Sidebar=title") // Appbar__Sidebar__title
btn() // btn
btn("+orange") // btn btn--orange
btn("+orange +large") // btn btn--orange btn--large
A full example is given below
import React from 'react';
import {bem} from 'simple-bem-namer';
import './Appbar.css';
const main = bem('Appbar');
const btn = bem('btn');
const Appbar = props => {
return <div className={main()}>
<p className={main("=title")}>Title</p>
<div className={main("=Sidebar")}>
<button className={btn("+large +orange")}>Open/Close</button>
export default Appbar
And thats all folks. Nothing fancy here people, just a very simple convenience library meant to make life a tiny bit easier.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details