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Keras implementation of YOLO v3, with SPP, multi-scale training, mAP evaluation...


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Keras YOLO v3

Present project is not being updated anymore. Find recent updates here.

  • Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP)
  • Multi-scale training
  • OpenCv data augmentation (increases learning speed)
  • mAP Evaluation (complete, per cateogry and per subdataset (if exists))
  • Loss components (xy, wh, class, confidence_obj, confidence_noobj) weighting
  • Loss components logging on TensorBoard
  • Custom anchors generation


A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend) inspired by qqwweee/keras-yolo3.

Important. To use this repo you must make sure that qqwweee/keras-yolo3 project has been properly downloaded.

git clone
cd Keras-YOLO-v3
git submodule update --init --recursive

Download pretrained models and convert to Keras

  1. Download weights and .cfg file from YOLO website and store them in ./weights.
  2. Convert the weights to a Keras model and store it in ./base_models.
# python keras_yolo3/ cfg_file weights_file output_file

# Darknet-53
wget -O weights/darknet53.weights
wget -O weights/darknet53.cfg
python keras_yolo3/ weights/darknet53.cfg weights/darknet53.weights base_models/darknet53.h5

# YOLOv3
wget -O weights/yolo.weights
wget -O weights/yolo.cfg
python keras_yolo3/ weights/yolo.cfg weights/yolo.weights base_models/yolo.h5

wget -O weights/yolo-spp.weights
wget -O weights/yolo-spp.cfg
python keras_yolo3/ weights/yolo-spp.cfg weights/yolo-spp.weights base_models/yolo-spp.h5

# YOLO-tiny
wget -O weights/yolo-tiny.weights
wget -O weights/yolo-tiny.cfg
python keras_yolo3/ weights/yolo-tiny.cfg weights/yolo-tiny.weights base_models/yolo-tiny.h5


Use to predict the bounding boxes of a image or a video using a trained model.

usage: [-h] --model MODEL --anchors ANCHORS --classes
                           CLASSES --input INPUT [--image] [--spp]
                           [--output_path OUTPUT_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --model MODEL         path to model weight file
  --anchors ANCHORS     path to anchor definitions
  --classes CLASSES     path to class definitions
  --input INPUT         Video/image input path
  --image               Image detection mode
  --spp                 use this option if the model uses SPP
  --output_path OUTPUT_PATH
                        output file where to store the result

Image prediction sample:

python --model base_models/yolo.h5 --anchors base_models/yolo_anchors.txt --classes base_models/coco_classes.txt --image --input test_images/image_1.jpg --output_path image_prediction.png

Video prediction sample:

python --model base_models/yolo.h5 --anchors base_models/yolo_anchors.txt --classes base_models/coco_classes.txt --input test_images/video_1.mp4 --output_path video_prediction.mp4


  1. Generate valid annotations files for training and validation:
    One row for each image
    Row format: image_file_path box1 box2 ... boxN
    Box format: x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max,class_id (no space)
    Here is an example:
    path/to/img1.jpg 50,100,150,200,0 30,50,200,120,3
    path/to/img2.jpg 120,300,250,600,2
  2. Generate valid classe filenames. One class name in each line of a .txt file.
  3. Convert annotations to coco style. It will be needed for the evaluation. Use dataset_scripts/
usage: [-h] path_annotations path_classes

positional arguments:
  path_annotations  path to the annotations file to convert
  path_classes      path to the dataset classes filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  1. Run Check the script usage with python --help.
usage: [-h] [--path_dataset PATH_DATASET]
                [--frozen_epochs FROZEN_EPOCHS] [--input_shape INPUT_SHAPE]
                [--spp] [--multi_scale]
                path_results dataset_name path_classes path_anchors
                path_annotations_train path_annotations_val path_weights

Script to train a YOLO v3 model. Note that the classes especified in
path_classes must be the same used in path_annotations_train and
path_annotations_val. If using --spp make sure to load the weights that share
the same NN architecture.

positional arguments:
  path_results          path where the store the training results
  dataset_name          subfolder where to store the training results
  path_classes          dataset classes file
  path_anchors          anchors file
                        train annotations file
  path_annotations_val  validation annotations file
  path_weights          path to pretrained weights
  freeze_body           0 to not freezing 1 to freeze backbone 2 to freeze all
                        the model

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path_dataset PATH_DATASET
                        path to each training image if not specified in
                        annotations file
  --frozen_epochs FROZEN_EPOCHS
                        number of frozen training epochs. Default 15
  --input_shape INPUT_SHAPE
                        training/validation input image shape. Must be a
                        multiple of 32. Default 416
  --spp                 to use Spatial Pyramid Pooling
  --multi_scale         to use multi-scale training

By default, the Neural Network uses pretrained weights, trains 15 epochs with frozen layers and unfreeze the model and trains until convergence.

If training with SPP weights, use --spp flag.

Weight each loss component by modifying manually loss_perc in

Under the folder and subfolder specified, weights (best and last_weights), model architecture and train_params will be stored.

During training, the loss, loss components (xy, wh, class, confidence_obj, confidence_noobj) and lr are logged with TensorBoard. Launch TensorBoard with: tensorboard --logdir [path_results]/[dataset_name]/

And the end of training mAP evaluation is performed with the best weighs learned and the last ones. Check next section.

To train a tiny YOLO model, use base_models/tiny_yolo_anchors.txt as anchors.

Custom anchors generation

To generate custom anchors, use the ./dataset_scripts/

usage: [-h] [--path_dataset PATH_DATASET]
                                  [--num_clusters NUM_CLUSTERS]
                                  [--output_shape OUTPUT_SHAPE]
                                  path_annotations store_path

Script to calculate custom anchors from an annotations file

positional arguments:
  path_annotations      annotations file
  store_path            anchors output filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --path_dataset PATH_DATASET
                        path to each training image if not specified in
                        annotations file
  --num_clusters NUM_CLUSTERS
                        number of clusters to obtain
  --output_shape OUTPUT_SHAPE
                        size of the final image input shape


mAP is calculated for all the training and test dataset, for each class and for each subdataset (if exists). The reference metric is mAP@50. As a result a json file is stored in model results folder with all the stats.

If best_weights == True evaluation is performed with the weights that minimizes the val loss during training.
If best_weigths == False evaluation is performed with the last weights learned.
If best_weights is None, training evaluation is performed with the kind of weights that minimizes the validation dataset mAP.

Testing environment

  • Python 3..6.8
  • Keras 2.2.4
  • tensorflow-gpu 1.13.1
  • pycocotools 2.0


Keras implementation of YOLO v3, with SPP, multi-scale training, mAP evaluation...







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