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πŸ“Ÿ Trigger, acknowledge, and resolve Alerts and create Changes using the PagerDuty Events API V2.


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πŸ“Ÿ PagerDuty

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Trigger, acknowledge, and resolve Alerts and create Changes using the PagerDuty Events API V2.

  1. Quick Start
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Installation
  4. Configuration
  5. Usage
  6. Examples
  7. References
  8. Presentation

Quick Start

dotnet add package PagerDuty
using Pager.Duty;

using var pagerDuty = new PagerDuty("my service's integration key");
AlertResponse alertResponse = await pagerDuty.Send(new TriggerAlert(Severity.Error, "My Alert"));
Console.WriteLine("Triggered alert, waiting 30 seconds before resolving...");

await Task.Delay(30 * 1000);
await pagerDuty.Send(new ResolveAlert(alertResponse.DedupKey));
Console.WriteLine("Resolved alert.");



You can install this library into your project from NuGet Gallery:

  • dotnet add package PagerDuty
  • Install-Package PagerDuty
  • Go to Project β€Ί Manage NuGet Packages in Visual Studio and search for PagerDuty


  1. Create an Integration in PagerDuty and get its Integration Key.
    1. #to your PagerDuty account.
    2. Go to Services β€Ί Service Directory.
    3. Select an existing Service for which you want to publish events, or create a new Service.
    4. In the Integrations tab of the Service, add a new Integration.
    5. Under Most popular integrations, select Events API V2, then click Add.
    6. Expand the newly-created Integration and copy its Integration Key, which will be used to authorize this library to send Events to the correct Service.
  2. Construct a new PagerDuty client instance in your project, passing your Integration Key as a constructor parameter.
    using Pager.Duty;
    IPagerDuty pagerDuty = new PagerDuty(integrationKey: "dfca74ebb7450b3e6da3ba6083a323f4");

PagerDuty instances can be reused to send multiple events to the same service over the lifetime of your application. You can add one to your dependency injection context and retain it for as long as you like. If you need to send events to multiple services, construct multiple PagerDuty instance objects.

HTTP settings

If you need to customize any of the settings for the HTTP connection to PagerDuty's API servers, you may optionally provide a custom HttpClient instance to the IPagerDuty object. This allows you to set a proxy server, TLS settings, concurrent connection count, DNS TTL, and other properties.

If you don't set this property, a default HttpClient instance is used instead, and will be automatically disposed of when the PagerDuty instance is disposed of. If you do set this property to a custom HttpClient instance, PagerDuty won't dispose of it, so that you can reuse it in multiple places.

pagerDuty.HttpClient = new HttpClient(new SocketsHttpHandler {
    UseProxy = true,
    Proxy = new WebProxy("", 8443),
    MaxConnectionsPerServer = 10,
    PooledConnectionLifetime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),
    SslOptions = new SslClientAuthenticationOptions {
        EnabledSslProtocols = SslProtocols.Tls12 | SslProtocols.Tls13
}) {
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

Base URL

By default, this library sends event requests to the global PagerDuty cluster,

You may change this by setting the IPagerDuty.BaseUrl property. For example, if your tenant is hosted in the European Union, you must change the base URL to the EU cluster:

pagerDuty.BaseUrl = new Uri("");


Triggering an Alert

This creates a new, unresolved alert for your PagerDuty service, showing that a new event has just occurred.

Construct a new TriggerAlert instance with the required severity and summary parameters, and pass it to the IPagerDuty.Send(Alert) method. This returns an AlertResponse once it's been successfully uploaded to PagerDuty.

AlertResponse alertResponse = await pagerDuty.Send(new TriggerAlert(Severity.Error, "Summary"));

In addition to the two required parameters, TriggerAlert also has several optional parameters, all of which you can specify using an object initializer or property assignments.

TriggerAlert trigger = new(Severity.Warning, "Summary of warning") {
    Class = "my class",
    Component = "my component",
    Group = "my group",
    Links = { new Link("", "Aldaviva") },
    Images = { new Image("", "", "Ben") },
    CustomDetails = new {
        A = 1,
        B = "2"

trigger.Source = "my source";
trigger.Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;
trigger.Client = "My Client";
trigger.ClientUrl = "";

AlertResponse alertResponse = await pagerDuty.Send(trigger);

If a key in your CustomDetails object isn't a valid identifier in C#, for example if it contains spaces, you can also use an IDictionary<string, object>, or any other type that can be serialized into JSON.

trigger.CustomDetails = new Dictionary<string, object> {
    { "key 1", "value 1" },
    { "key 2", "value 2" },

Acknowledging an Alert

This moves an existing unresolved alert for your service into the acknowledged state, showing that someone is aware of it.

The value of the required DedupKey constructor parameter comes from an AlertResponse, which is returned when you send a TriggerAlert.

await pagerDuty.Send(new AcknowledgeAlert(alertResponse.DedupKey));

Resolving an Alert

This marks an existing alert for your service as resolved, showing that the original conditions that triggered the alert are no longer present.

The value of the required DedupKey constructor parameter comes from an AlertResponse, which is returned when you send a TriggerAlert.

await pagerDuty.Send(new ResolveAlert(alertResponse.DedupKey));

Creating a Change

This is not an alert, it's a different type of event showing that something expected changed in your service, which may be useful to know about if an alert occurs later.

await pagerDuty.Send(new Change("Summary of Change"));

Handling exceptions

All of the exceptions thrown by IPagerDuty.Send inherit from PagerDutyException, so you can catch that superclass, or the more specialized subclasses: NetworkException, BadRequest, RateLimited, and InternalServerError.

try {
    await pagerDuty.Send(new Change("Summary of Change"));
} catch (PagerDutyException e) when (e.RetryAllowedAfterDelay) {
    // try again later
} catch (BadRequest e) {
    Console.WriteLine($"{e.Message} {e.StatusCode} {e.Response}");
} catch (WebApplicationException) {
    // catch-all for unexpected status codes

Cleaning up

When you're done with a PagerDuty instance, call PagerDuty.Dispose() to clean it up and allow the default HttpClient to be garbage collected. A custom HttpClient instance, if set, won't be disposed, so that you can reuse it in multiple places.





I gave a talk about this project during PagerDuty's 2024-02-09 How-To Happy Hour on their Twitch channel.



πŸ“Ÿ Trigger, acknowledge, and resolve Alerts and create Changes using the PagerDuty Events API V2.




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