This repository contains several OpenSSL CA templates for a two-tiered Certification Authority.
This work is in an alpha stage! A test suite that uses certlint to validate the generated certificates is being worked on (we are hitting some edge cases we need to cross-check). For now, use these templates at your own risk.
Open the configuration files and edit them where the comments ask you to do so.
Generate the root CA by running the following commands:
mkdir -p root{,/newcerts} echo 01 >root/crlserial echo 01 >root/serial touch root/index{,.attr} ROOTCASERIAL=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-F0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1) openssl req -config openssl_root_ca.cnf -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout root/rootca.pvk -out root/rootca.cer -days 3650 -set_serial 0x$ROOTCASERIAL -extensions root_ca_extensions openssl x509 -in root/rootca.cer -out root/rootca_der.cer -outform DER
Generate the intermediate CAs you need by editing the
setting inopenssl_root_ca.cnf
and running the following commands:mkdir -p CANAME{,/newcerts} echo 01 >CANAME/crlserial echo 01 >CANAME/serial touch CANAME/index{,.attr} openssl req -config openssl_root_ca.cnf -new -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout CANAME/CANAMEca.pvk -out CANAME/CANAMEca.req cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-F0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1 >root/serial # Note: manually check that the serial is not already assigned to another certificate in root/index openssl ca -config openssl_root_ca.cnf -in CANAME/CANAMEca.req -out CANAME/CANAMEca.cer -policy root_ca_dn_policy -extensions CAEXTENSIONS openssl x509 -in CANAME/CANAMEca.cer -out CANAME/CANAMEca_der.cer -outform DER
as follows:For the following CA type... use this CANAME
...and these CAEXTENSIONS
Personal certificates, e-mail validation personal-emailvalidated
Personal certificates, individual validation personal-individualvalidated
Personal certificates, organization validation personal-organizationvalidated
Web server certificates, domain validation webserver-domainvalidated
Web server certificates, individual validation webserver-individualvalidated
Web server certificates, organization validation webserver-organizationvalidated
Web server certificates, Extended Validation webserver-extendedvalidation
Code signing certificates, individual validation codesigning-individualvalidated
Code signing certificates, organization validation codesigning-organizationvalidated
Code signing certificates, Extended Validation codesigning-extendedvalidation
Time stamping certificates timestamping
Time stamping certificates, Extended Validation timestamping-extendedvalidation
Generate the certificates you need by running the following commands:
openssl req -config CAFILE -new -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -keyout PVKPATH.pvk -out REQPATH.req cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-F0-9' | fold -w 16 | head -n 1 >CANAME/serial # Note: manually check that the serial is not already assigned to another certificate in CANAME/index openssl ca -config CAFILE -name CANAME_ca -in REQPATH.req -out CERPATH.cer -subj 'SUBJECTDN' # Optionally export the newly generated certificate to a PKCS12 file: openssl pkcs12 -export -out PKCS12PATH.p12 -in CERPATH.cer -inkey PVKPATH.pvk -name "FRIENDLYNAME" -certfile CANAME/CANAMEca.cer -caname "FRIENDLYCANAME"
Perform the following replacements:
Variable Value CAFILE
The .cnf
file containing the configuration for the CA you are usingPVKPATH
The path to the private key file you are generating REQPATH
The path to the certificate request file you are generating CERPATH
The path to the certificate file you are generating PKCS12PATH
The path to the .p12 file you are generating CANAME
The CA name, see step 2 SUBJECTDN
The DN of the subject you are issuing the certificate to, e.g. /C=IT/O=Sample Organization/CN=Sample Subject
. See the policy sections in each.cnf
file for the DN fields you will need to include for each certificate typeFRIENDLYNAME
The "friendly name" for the certificate subject (usually, the CN field of the DN) FRIENDLYCANAME
The "friendly name" for the CA certificate subject (usually, the CN field of the DN)